Admittedly, salt is essential for the proper functioning of our cells, but does a salt-free diet help you lose weight? For a long time, man was in constant search of this product. Now it has become so common that our interest in it has waned.
Since the 2000s, there have been questions about the relationship between salt (or sodium chloride) intake and arterial hypertension. And the answers fluctuate, according to discoveries and studies.
No salt, no taste?
In fact, the scientific community is not unanimous as to the benefits for the body of a restriction of this food so popular and effective for enhance the blandness of many dishes.
And some to explain, an admissible argument, that contemporary pharmacopoeia has medications remarkable enough and effective to fight against hypertension and its consequences, without the need to force the population to endure bland and draconian diets.
It is therefore useless to stigmatize healthy people who love eat iodized.
Salt everywhere?
After salt itself, another fear linked to this element has been gaining momentum for some time. That of eating too much salt without knowing itbecause of an exaggerated presence of salt in the ready mealsready-to-eat preparations, etc., produced by the food industry.
The assertion is not false, the industry having a tendency to misuse this substance for enhance the tastes bland products or use them as conservativea virtue whose reality we have known since the beginning of humanity.
Since then, some big brands have understood the message and decreasesclearly legible labels in support, the contents of their preparation.
Was it about sterile polemics? In all honesty no, because, like any excess, Too much salt is bad for your health.
The harmful effects of too much salt intake
Recent scientific studies have shown that it indeed has the ability toerode the walls of the stomach and intestine, such as alcohol or tobaccowhich would facilitate the passage of toxic substances released by our environment.
However, we now know that part of the cancer comes from the absorption of these toxic substances. That is why the salt limit remains topical. A person interested in this subject must therefore monitor different elements of his food.
- First, check the proportion of industrial products in her diet: if she eats a lot, there is a risk of overdose.
- Second, to master his consumption of alcohol or tobacco, with which the interaction is delicate.
- Finally, contain the use of salt of table. Anyone who smokes, drinks alcohol or swears by industrial products has an interest in limiting their salt intake.
But someone in good health with none of these three characteristics can salt at their convenience.
A salt-free diet to lose weight?
Many people for to lose weightlimit their salt intake. Mistakebecause the latter does not have the property of making you lose weight in the long term, so whether you take it or not the result is the same.
The weight gain linked to salt, and in particular to water retention, is only temporary and is eliminated quickly. The idea of going on a salt-free diet to lose weight is therefore not necessarily the advantage of a salt-free diet, which is more from a health point of view than slimming.
The advantage is rather, in these circumstances, thatby making the meals more bland, we limit the appetite. But to fight against the monotony of diets, the Cohen method gives you dozens of daily tips for eating dietetic but tasty recipes.
In the video in the middle of the article, I show you 7 signs of too much salt consumption. Who is concerned ?