In France, one in two assets are considering, performs or has already converted! This is what the big investigation made by Bva on the French and retraining. So, how to do professional retraining? We will explain everything to you …
But first of all, why do we want to retrain? Three motivations stand out particularly:
- First, boredom and Lack of meaning at workcited by 44 % of respondents;
- Afterwards, the pressure in the current job (36 % of respondents);
- Finally, health problems as a burnout For example (23 % of respondents, including a large share in those under 35).
To find out how to succeed in his retraining, nothing like a Practical guide… that’s good, I prepared a that I willingly offer you !
1. Why want to change?
That’s right, why change jobs? Where does this sudden desire come from? What are the real reasons that push you to want to change your professional orientation? Identify the trigger elements that bring you to this desire for conversion: stress, burn-out, weariness, desire for independence, pressure from the hierarchy, poor working atmosphere, deep boredom, salary that stagnates …
It is important to take the time to take stock to understand what no longer suits you in the current situation. Do you like your job still or do you especially have a desire for change?
Ask yourself the right questions and answer it as clearly as possible: in my current post, what I don’t like to do? What interests me the least? I advise you to put words on your discomfort at work. By identifying the deep causes of your disarray, you will lay the first solid foundations for your retraining.
2. Where do I set foot?
Now it is time to be constructive … to answer the question: “Professional retraining how to do it?” », Ask yourself what you are looking for, what you miss, what you want to do, what you really want in your career. There are lots of possible answers: more responsibilities? More meaning? Less pressure? Cool management? A better salary? No more free time? More autonomy? No more telework?
Take advantage of it too to think about your ideal job, the one that would allow you to flourish thoroughly and take advantage of all your skills. By digging your brains to go to the bottom of things, you will list the things that are essential for you in your future job (or your future post). Or maybe you already have your little idea, like resuming studies or creating your business to live your passion …
3. The time for the balance sheet?
Whether you hesitate to choose your reorientation or know perfectly where you want to go, do a skills assessment with a specialized consultant is always a good idea. It will allow you to better identify your strengths, your skills and, more generally, your skills.
With an external look that is both professional and benevolent, you will be able to project yourself into the future and remove interesting tracks of retraining from which you had not necessarily thought.
This assessment will give you the opportunity to go deeper in your reflection and to take stock of what interests you and motivates you. It generally lasts about twenty hours (half of which are devoted to individual interviews), spread over two or three months.
Many organizations offer to carry out professional balance sheets. The financing will depend on your situation (employee, job seeker, etc.) but, most often, your credit to the CPF can be mobilized for this process.
4. Do I really like this orientation?
Looking for information on the various trades in the sector that interests you and the companies that recruit. There are many sources of information, varied and accessible online. You can conduct a 360 ° survey: professions, specialties, training, outlets, job market.
You can also conduct business surveys with professionals and try to exchange with someone who already exercises this profession. This will allow you to confront your vision with reality. If you take the time to search, you can also take advantage of certain Pôle Emploi devices which allow you to discover professions.
If you are young, you can also come across discovery courses organized by local missions. If you are younger, know that there is no age limit to do an internship. The immersion internship is a concrete opportunity to know if a profession corresponds well to what you have in mind. Nothing is more effective than moments in real conditions. If you are currently in office, it may be the right time to leave leave or request a leave without pay.
To succeed in his professional retraining how to do it?
Professional retraining is a demanding course, but deeply liberating for those who aspire to align their professional life with their values and aspirations. As the BVA survey reveals, motivations such as lack of meaning, pressure or health problems are pushing many assets to rethink their trajectory.
To answer the question “Professional retraining how to do it?” », We highlight essential steps: identify your triggers, define your priorities (autonomy, meaning, balance), carry out a skills assessment and validate your project via immersions or exchanges with professionals. These actions make it possible to transform a vague desire into a concrete project, based on tools such as CPF or specialized support.
Towards a fulfilling professional retraining
The success of a professional retraining is based on a combination of introspective reflection and pragmatism. By confronting his motivations with the reality of the market (training, outlets, working conditions), we avoid the traps of idealization. The practical guide proposed in the article, enriched with testimonies and resources, serves as a compass to navigate between doubt and enthusiasm.
Whether the objective is a business creation, a specialization or a profession-passion, the main thing is to move forward step by step, surrounding yourself with expert advice and daring to explore unknown ways. Professional retraining is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a new story where development and audacity take precedence over routine.
Professional retraining: the practical guide
To discover the other 6 steps, I offer you the Practical guide “How to do it?” That I prepared for this purpose. Richly illustrated with photos, practical tools and advice videos, you will be precious to ask yourself all the right questions …