Essential to the body, fats provide energy and help regulate body temperature. They provide essential fatty acids and allow the absorption of vitamins… Let’s learn to distinguish good and bad fats.
THE small slimming step The next step is to learn how to choose the fats you eat. They tantalize our taste buds and make our food… BETTER!

But whether natural or added, animal or vegetable, fats should not occupy too important a place in your diet.
Good fats and bad fats
For some time now, unsaturated fatty acids have had the reputation of being good for everything: the heart, the neurons and even the morale! This is not always true, remember that among the good fats, we find skimmed milkthe tofupoultry or oily fish and, of course, vegetable oils.
Bad fats are often of animal origin: butter, crème fraîche, fatty cheeseswhole milk, red meats. It is not a question of eliminating them but of reducing the quantity of them in your diet.
The consumption of lipids, and particularly those which contain essential fatty acids, is essential for growth and the integrity of the skin.
Here are some basic tips for clearly distinguish the good from the bad fats:
- Avoid eating cooked meals heated in microwaves.
- Do not take more than one dairy product per meal: grated gruyere, cheese or yogurt.
- Remember to read the nutritional information on the labels (not very exciting, but useful!) and remember them. different names fats on labels: lipids, fatty acids, cholesterol, added fats, phospholipids, etc.
- Vary the consumption of foods by favoring them that are lean and rich in complex sugars and proteins.
- Always prefer vegetable oils with fats of animal origin.
How to replace the fattest foods?
At breakfast
Choose wholemeal or cereal bread… You can garnish it with a little sugar-free jam or agave syrup. Eat pastries occasionally, one per week… maximum!
The meat
You can replace it with fish or eggs, also very rich in protein. Select the leanest cuts of meat such as rump steak, sirloin or even skinless poultry, veal and opt for low-fat cooking (grill, non-stick pan, foil).
It’s quite simple to identify an oil containing “bad fats”. These are oils that are solid at room temperature. They should therefore rather be avoided. For example: vegan made from coconut oil, lard (pork fat), palm oil (commonly used in biscuits, etc.).
The cheese
Focus your choice on fresh or soft cheeses such as goat’s cheese, feta, mozzarella, Camembert with 40% fat.
To end your meal on a sweet note, favor plain low-fat dairy products (by sweetening them with fresh fruit) or fruit taken alone.
Prefer sauces based on 0% white cheese, egg white, chives and parsley. For the hot version, think of mustard, white wine-based sauces, herbs and mushrooms.
How to better choose your vegetable oils?
All oils contain 100% lipids. But they have two main interests: first, each oil has a unique composition and then, all the oils provide essential fatty acids that our body cannot synthesize.
Walnut oil for gourmets…
Rich in omega 6, it is one of the rare oils to provide omega 3. On the other hand, its vitamin E content is low. Used only as a seasoning, walnut oil brings the particular taste of walnuts to all your raw vegetables and salads. You can also incorporate it into the preparation of your cakes, it will give them an original flavor.
Rapeseed oil, your health ally…
Rich in essential fatty acids, it offers a good ratio between the proportion of omega 3 and omega 6. This clever natural dosage makes this oil a health food par excellence. Reserved for seasonings and neutral in taste, rapeseed oil enhances the flavor of your food. So mix it with other oils like olive oil.
Sunflower oil… anti-cholesterol!
It is rich in vitamin E and omega 6 but also low in saturated fatty acids. Very useful in preventing cardiovascular risk, sunflower oil helps lower bad cholesterol levels. Its neutral taste and nutritional properties allow you to use it both heated and cold, to season your dishes or prepare your cakes. It is also perfect for all your fried foods (to be consumed very moderately of course!).
Olive oil, champion of taste!
It is one of the main sources of fatty acids. Combined with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, olive oil also plays an essential role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. With its more or less fruity taste, it goes wonderfully with all salads and is also used to season all hot dishes. It will obviously bring the Mediterranean sun.
Peanut oil… to avoid!
It’s the one that we find most often on our plates but also the one that comes at the bottom of the list when it comes to figure and health! Peanut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, low in omega 3 compared to its neighbors and is therefore of relatively low interest.
Selecting the right fats to lose weight is one of the 10 small slimming steps that we recommend you follow to trigger your weight loss. You can find the others in our free slimming program below.
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