Your new little slimming step will consist of carefully choosing the cooking methods you use to make your meals. By avoiding fats when you can, or limiting their quantity when cooking, you will optimize the effectiveness of your diet and fight cholesterol effectively.
How you cook food can have advantages and disadvantages. The primary goal of cooking is not to make us eat hot but to destroy dangerous elements contained in certain foods and help make others more digestible.
7 tips for choosing the right cooking method
To benefit from the nutritional benefits of food without having the disadvantages, you simply need to select the appropriate cooking methods depending on the type of preparation you are making.
For meats and fishthe ideal is stewing, which consists of cooking your food slowly so as to use as much of its juice as possible as cooking liquid.
On the other hand, it is not recommended to consume barbecued meats more than twice a month. In fact, the smoke generated by the fat in your meat can be carcinogenic.
If you can’t do without a barbecue, marinate the meat beforehand and opt for a vertical barbecue which will prevent the fat from falling into the embers!
Cooking vegetables in water is ideal even if it causes a loss of vitamins. Take care to immerse the vegetables in boiling water, they will lose fewer essential nutrients. And to make sure you don’t lose anything, you can also drink the cooking water as a soup…
Regarding green vegetablesit is desirable to use the pressure cooker. To ensure they retain as many vitamins as possible, avoid peeling them (but wash them well!) and eat them al dente.
Using the wokthe large pan with a high rim of Asian origin, allows you to sear vegetables while preserving their crunch, and without fat!
There cooking on wood gives a sometimes appreciated aroma, but also toxic tars.
Pay attention to cooking starchy foods : overcooked pasta behaves like fast sugars instead of retaining their role as slow sugars. Prefer them too al dente (and without sauce!) and drain them as soon as they are finished cooking.
Not recommended cooking methods
Avoid fatty substances. Fats become saturated with heat in indigestible compounds responsible for metabolic overload. Above a critical temperature, they decompose, forming toxic bodies that are potentially carcinogenic. For your information, this critical temperature is largely reached when the fatty substance smokes.
Consequently, if you must use a fatty substance to cook food, only olive and peanut oils should be used.
Do not abuse grills, barbecues or smoked products. They are also harmful, because they are carcinogenic if grilling leaves traces of charring on the meat.
Do itdeadlock on microwave cooking which tends to alter nutrients more than other cooking methods.
Think about the cooking in foil ! With aluminum foil or parchment paper, you can cook almost any food (white meats, fish, vegetables). Place the piece to be cooked in aluminum foil, add spices, herbs, onions, lemon juice, tomatoes, small vegetables, etc. Cook in the oven over medium heat. On the other hand, the cooking time is a third longer than the usual time.
Dial them seasonings and the sauces as lean as possible: add a little oil, butter or cream, then use the lemon, yogurt, stock cube and soy sauce, finally season to your taste with aromatic herbs and spices.
So happy cooking!
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