Have you already said at least one of these sentences in recent days?
- “My job no longer suits me”
- “My job has no meaning”
- “I disagree with the values of my company, of my hierarchy”
- “I ask myself questions about my professional future”
- ” At jobjI feel like I no longer belong”
- “I need to find my way”
- “I want to leave everything behind and live on an island”
If so, it’s probably because you are not fully fulfilled in your professional life, and you are thinking about changing!
But how? Where to start? And to do what?
It’s simple: take your skills assessment (but not just any way and especially not with just anyone!)
The Planète 5.3 assessment is a skills assessment new generation which lasts between 5 weeks and 3 months to build your new professional life.
— Announcement —
Thanks to a fun introspection journey, and the support of a professional coach, get to know yourself better and define your ideal professional project, in accordance with your values, your desires and your aspirations.
On the program:
- 8 hours of individual sessions with your certified and recommended coach for you based on your personality, your goals and your industry.
- 10 hours of self-coaching via an introspection journey composed of videos, exercises, personality tests, job surveys and tools to get to know yourself better.
- 3 hours of group workshopsled by our certified coaches to reflect with other talents on key themes (flow, values, meaning, self-confidence, stress management, work-life balance, etc.).
- Access to the private group 5.3to exchange with other talents in search of meaning!
- Unlimited (and lifetime) access to an online platformto keep track of your journey, and be able to communicate with your coach between sessions.
The icing on the cake: the Planète 5.3 assessment is 100% financeable through your CPF (personal training account)!
So, when do we start?
Right away, it’s over here.