Physical exercise, salt reduction or food agenda: some changes of habit help reduce bloating.
- Bloating is caused by an accumulation of gas in the body.
- They can be linked to food intolerance, constipation, excess salt in food or even a lack of physical activity.
- Eating smaller quantities or reducing the share of certain foods can also be strategies to limit them.
This is one of the most widespread digestive disorders: bloating. This accumulation of gas in the body can create abdominal pain and be painful on a daily basis. To reduce them, Bryn Desantis, nursing in gastroenterology at the American clinic Cleveland Give some tips. First, it recommends a few easy -to -apply tips: consuming peppery lies, taking a prescription treatment, walking, making belly massages, fasting in the evening or reducing stress and anxiety. Over the longest term, it offers different alternatives.
Bloating: hold a food agenda to identify the cause
“”I generally recommend holding a food journal and noting everything you eat and drink for a few days “she warns. Indeed, one of the causes of bloating is food intolerance, holding a newspaper makes it possible to identify a food poorly supported by the body. For this, it should also be noted the moments of appearance of symptoms. Lactose, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, garlic or gluten are often poorly tolerated foods.
A diet poor in FODMAP can help reduce bloating
If you do not spot any signs of food intolerance, the nurse advises to try a diet poor in FODMAP. The acronym designates ligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and fermentable polyols. These are carbohydrates with difficulty absorbed by the intestine. This type of diet notably excludes dairy products, certain legumes, garlic, avocado, apples and prunes. “”The poor diet in FODMAP is often recommended for people with irritable intestine syndrome, but it can also be useful if you suffer from persistent bloating “explains Bryn Desantis. On the other hand, she suggests reducing the share of these foods, without completely excluding them, so as not to make them too restrictive.
Reduce the air swallowed to avoid being bloated
The swollen stomach feeling sometimes comes from bad unsuspected habits. You have to be careful not to swallow too much air. This can be the case when you chew chewing gum regularly, whether you drink straw or bottle, when you eat too fast, that you speak a lot while eating, smoking or that ‘We force the rot. People with sleep apnea treated by a CPAP machine can also suffer from swallowed air bloating: they must talk about it with their doctor.
Physical exercise to relieve bloating
For this specialist, it is essential to move regularly. It recommends practicing cardiovascular activity 30 min a day, five times a week, and muscle strengthening twice a week. This can reduce bloating and limit the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.
Bloating: constipation can be the cause
Often constipation is the cause of bloating according to the nurse. Treating this disorder can reduce the symptom. For this, you have to consume more fibers, while being progressive. “”Start with a bowl of oat flakes per day, she recommends. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a low dose of a fiber -rich food supplement. If you find that gases and bloating get worse, stop and talk to your doctor. ” You must also take care to drink enough water.
Salt can be responsible for bloating
A diet that is too rich in salt leads to an accumulation of water in the tissues. This can trigger bloating sensations. If in doubt, it may be interesting to try to reduce the amount of salt consumed. This can have multiple benefits for your body. “”Eating less salt can not only reduce bloating, but also reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart disease and stroke“, Develops Bryn Desantis.
Bloating: eat smaller quantities, more regularly
If the bloating occurs just after meals, this specialist advises to adapt her diet. “”Your stomach takes time to emptyshe recalls. You can avoid this feeling too full by eating less food during your meal“On the other hand, you have to make small meals more regularly.