It’s a very common idea. You have to have a light dinner in the evening. A famous adage also declines the day in three phases: A king’s breakfast, a prince’s lunch and a beggar’s dinner. But in view of the knowledge in nutrition which is enriched regularly, the question deserves to be asked. So, yes or no, should we lighten our plate before going to bed?
Eat less at night to sleep better
“Lightening dinner ensures better sleep. However, when you lack sleep, you secrete a hormone called ghrelin which stimulates your appetite and therefore the desire to eat. So, the more you eat light, but balanced, because it is not a question of suppressing this meal, the better we will sleep, says Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist. He pursues : “Furthermore, a better quality of sleep remains the guarantee of the absence of cravings or loss of food control”. In addition, the cells repair themselves at night, so it is important to nourish them well before going to bed.
What menu for dinner?
Lightening up dinner doesn’t mean eating nothing. It is the composition of the meal that counts.
The ideal menu for dinner? “A portion of animal or vegetable protein (100 to 150 g) with vegetables, a starch or pulses in small quantities, a yogurt and a fresh or stewed fruit, and you have a light but hearty dinner that will not make you not gain weight, says the nutritionist.
Of course, provided you remain reasonable in terms of quantities. And watch out for the “bad fat”. Anything that is fried, donuts for example are to be avoided in the evening. Indeed, they require great digestive efforts which will not facilitate falling asleep. Beyond weight gain, they will generate heaviness and insomnia harmful for restful sleep.
Finally, note thatdo not go to bed immediately after dinner. The earlier you take this last meal, the more time you have to digest. So not to arrive in bed with your stomach in full swing.
Thanks to Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist in Montpellier, author of “I live with an autoimmune disease”, at Marabout.
Read also:
- This food reflex is effective in boosting your metabolism
- Sleep: going to bed late increases the risk of obesity
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