We wear them to chat on the phone, in meetings, on public transport, to listen to music behind our computer, to go for a run… Headphones are increasingly part of our daily lives. They are light and practical, and since they no longer have wires to tangle, we tend to forget about them altogether. But having them permanently in your ears is not good for your health, explanations from an article in The Conversation.
Have you ever felt like your ears were more waxy after a long day with your headphones? It wouldn’t be surprising. Because permanently blocking the ear canal prevents it from working properly. To know, there earwax productionwhich is produced by the ear to protect the eardrum, where it accumulates just enough to act as a barrier to external aggressions, bacteria, viruses, fungi… Before naturally ascending the duct to be evacuated (and avoid blockages) and renewed.
Ignition Hazards
This cleaning system is undermined when the duct is prevented from being ventilated, which has the particular consequence ofprevent earwax from coming out on its own. You may feel that your ears are more waxy and find it unpleasant. But it can go further: cause inflammation or a blockage. Overall, ear hygiene needs air, otherwise protection against bacteria and infections is no longer guaranteed.
So try not to use headphones continuously. And if you can’t take them off to really let your ears rest and get some air, alternate with a listening system that does not enter the duct, such as headphones For example.
Source : Don’t wear earphones all day – your ears need to breathe, The Conversation, October 2021.
Read also:
- How to properly protect the ears
- Covid-19: does the coronavirus make tinnitus worse?
- Does prolonged use of headphones harm our hearing?