The principle of 3 kifs per day is not new: it is derived from an exercise named “3 Good Things”Very popular with the school of positive psychology American. In France, it was popularized ten years ago by the eponymous best-seller of Florence Servan-Schreiber.
This routine of the 3 kifs per day is a simple way to gradually increase your level of well-being. To practice it, it is a question of spotting three positive moments of the day and posting them in a notebook in the evening. The effects on your level of well-being are noticeable after a week …
Every day for at least a week, you have to write three things that, according to you, went well. For each element positiveseeks to identify the causes. The easiest way is to hold a logbook to record, day after day, the different positive events that occurred.
The principle of 3 kifs per day
THE Larousse teaches us That the word “kiffer” is of Arab origin and that it means to appreciate, to love, to take pleasure in something. According to Florence Servan-Schreiber; A kif: ” It is an event, an encounter, a sensation or an image that does us good at the moment and for which we will experience the gratitude. Knowing how to identify it is one of the means (whose efficiency has been demonstrated by laboratory research) to get through life with more confidence and satisfaction.“”
THE positive events concerned can be:
- Of modest importance. Ex: “My colleague gave me a coffee”.
- Of larger magnitude. Ex: “I was asked to marriage”.
The purpose of the routine aims to install a positive way of thinking in a lasting way. The exercise, by its repetition, allows you to rebalance the positive and negative aspects within your mental and emotional space. It helps reduce this negative side that tends to invade us all.
Research shows that you tend to get used to positive and perceive it very quickly. Hence the interest in exercising your attention regularly so as not to become insensitive to it. Highlighting the positive aspect of things makes it possible to appreciate them better … but also to no longer consider them as acquired.
By creating a space to focus on the positivethis practice teaches you to savor the good times and remember them. She encourages you to pay more attention to the favorable everyday events and to commit you fully. Thus, you will appreciate them more when they (re) produce. Later, when you remember and share them with your loved ones, you can appreciate them again. But this is only possible if you train to spot them.
Train to Kiffer!
We all have “without” days. Some days, nothing is going well. And yet, if you are looking for … think back what you have experienced, seen, felt, touched today. The people you met … In short, everything that made you vibrate, everything you liked. The moments that brought you pleasure or a little joy. It can also be moments of pride, calm, love, wonder …
These are what we call the little pleasures of life, these moments of grace that (re) give a smile, these moments of simplicity and gaiety that make us see life in pink. There are simple things that have the power to act immediately on our mood. Like Amélie Poulain who loves to break the crust of the crème brûlée with the tip of her little spoon …
The little pleasures of life, it can smile at someone and receive a smile in return, eat the crust of a baguette just out of the oven, admire a sunset on the sea, snowy mountains or windows Illuminated with buildings that shine in the night …
The 3 kifs per day can also include the little attentions that are granted or receive: bring croissants to the office, a soft word left on the door of the fridge, the drawing that your child brings back from school …
You have to take everything into account, even things that seem insignificant. Happiness is everywhere, just know how to open your eyes.
Each evening, write your 3 kifs of the day. Expresses what you felt and for what reasons it touched you, describes the circumstances and the way it happened to be able to reproduce this kIF one day.
Finally, try to find your 3 kifs per day for a full week. The researchers say that it is the repetition of this ritual, for at least seven days, which increases the level of well-being, minimum. And know that the effect is even more important if you share your three kifs with your loved ones.