It is about a philosophy of life allowing to preserve its health capital thanks to a natural hygiene of life. This recommends a set of practices to help the body heal itself by relying on various hygiene measures adapted to the patient, such as better nutrition, physical exercise, relaxation, massages, herbal medicine, the’aromatherapy…, but also more controversial practices such as iridology (study of the patterns and colors of the iris allowing information on the patient’s health) or reflexology (each part of the body or physiological function corresponding to a point on the hands, feet …). This method aims to educate and correct bad habits. It does not seek to cure a symptom but to identify the causes of the problem and help the body to fight it. As one of the potentially dangerous practices cited by the Ministry of Health, it is particularly singled out when it advocates well-being through detoxification practices combining physical exercise, fasting, unbalanced or deficient dietary rules, all accompanied by a sectarian discourse sometimes leading followers to refuse conventional therapeutic protocols.