“Naturopathy is natural techniques that help a person to be supported in health prevention or in a particular situation” defines Noëllie Gourmelon Duffau. “These are complementary techniques to allopathic medicine,” she explains.
Naturopaths work on the body, mind and emotions. This work is based on holistic ancestral medicines, such as Ayurveda or traditional Chinese medicine. “A certain number of bodily disorders are linked to unmanaged emotions, in particular fear, anger, sadness, anxiety” informs the naturopath. And to cite the example of digestive pathologies linked to stress and respiratory pathologies after bereavement. “And even if we cannot link each disease to an emotion, there is always a weakened or weakened emotional terrain” she indicates, specifying that in traditional Chinese medicine the organs are associated with emotions.
“Finding the emotional cause will help relieve the person” teaches the naturopath who insists on the importance of a medical check-up so that a diagnosis can be made before a naturopathic consultation. “The naturopath uses various support tools to support the emotional state: food, essential oils, Bach flowers, breathing, meditation and nature, lithotherapy (stone therapy)…” informs Noëllie Gourmelon Duffau. Discover its emotional support tools.
Test: What is your emotional quotient?
Some adaptive skills are not related to logical or classical intelligence. Your intuition, your emotions and your way of apprehending certain things in life say a lot about your emotional quotient. To calculate it, do the test on the magazine’s website Psychologies.
In video: Take care of emotions with gemmotherapy
More informations : Take care of your emotions with naturopathyNoëllie Gourmelon Duffau (ed. Leduc)
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