Take the right precautions
There are plenty of warnings against sunbathing for too long and too much exposure to UV radiation. This would almost stop you from a day at the beach… But did you know that sunbathing is also healthy?
Sunlight is not ‘just’ harmful, on the contrary: research has shown that sunlight is actually healthy. We all need a daily dose of sunlight to optimally protect our bodies and keep them functioning properly. You just have to make sure you ‘sun in a controlled manner’: not too long, not too short, with the right precautions.
dosed sunbathing
These are the factors to consider when you want to sunbathe:
- The type and strength of the UV radiation (UV-B, the radiation that penetrates a cloudless sky, is mainly the culprit).
- The number of hours you sunbathe (let your skin get used to it slowly, ‘baking’ is bad).
- Your skin type (light or tinted, amount of pigment).
- The right sunscreen (protection factor appropriate for your skin type).
- Your age (young skin, such as in children and people < 20 years old, changes its DNA structure after sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer later in life).
- Wear protection (cap, shirt or blouse, shelter under a parasol, etc.).
Sunlight for Vitamin D
Sunlight means life: everything in nature blossoms under the influence of light and heat. The same happens – albeit unnoticed – in your body: under the influence of sunlight, hormones and substances are released that control all kinds of chemical processes. A good example of this is vitamin D. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced in the skin. This prohormone is released into the bloodstream and then converted into a specific hormone by the kidneys. Vitamin D has several functions. For example, it ensures the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the construction of the skeleton and teeth (extra important for children, pregnant women and the elderly).
Vitamin D made from cholesterol in the skin is called cholecalciferol and has a natural function as a cholesterol lowering agent. Cholecalciferol appears to be a more effective agent than many synthetic variant in tablet form.
Furthermore, recent research has shown that vitamin D may have a protective role against breast, colon and prostate cancer.
Sunbathing is healthy
What could be more relaxing than relaxing in the sun? In addition to the great psychological effect, sunlight and heat also have a direct effect on blood circulation. Good blood circulation is responsible for proper oxygenation of the body. This ensures a stable heart rate and good regulation of blood pressure and breathing. The sun acts as a catalyst for all of these body systems. Furthermore, a lack of sunlight in the winter period can cause a feeling of fatigue, dejection and even depression. Sunlight stimulates the production of melatonin, a hormone that ensures a natural wake/sleep rhythm.
This ‘sleep hormone’ is made from serotonin by the pineal gland (epiphysis) and is released to the brain in a controlled manner during the evening/night. A reduced amount of day/sunlight can therefore cause sleeping problems and mood swings.
Healthy daily dose
We need a healthy dose of sunlight every day to maintain our resistance and to support all kinds of body processes. The trick is to determine the right amount: too much sunlight causes risks and complications, too little discomfort and defects.
For the average white person, fifteen minutes of sunlight a day is enough. Pigment forms a natural protection of the skin and those with a lot of pigment – dark skin – need longer to get their healthy daily dose of sunlight.
Spending more time than necessary in sunlight can be harmful if you don’t take adequate protective measures.