Camembert, Mont d’Or, Brie, Roquefort, Comté, Morbier… We love cheese! This Franco-French food (we consume nearly 26 kilos of it per person each year in France) is good for your health provided you do not overdo it: if it is indeed a good source of protein and calcium, cheese also provides a lot of calories, salt and saturated fatty acids.
So what is “the” quantity of cheese that should not be exceeded per day to preserve your health? This is what Chinese and Dutch researchers wanted to know in a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition.
A piece of cheese every day to protect your cardiovascular system
The scientists reviewed the results of 15 previous studies (with medical data on a total of 200,000 people) and focused in particular on cardiovascular health. They thus observed that a daily but “reasonable” consumption of cheese made it possible to significantly reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.
“Reasonable” cheese consumption, what does that mean? For Chinese and Dutch researchers, it is “reasonable” to enjoy a daily portion of 40 g of cheese – this corresponds to 2 Babybel®, 2 generous tablespoons of ricotta, or even 1 nice slice of Camembert, Comté or Etorki. For other cheeses, all you have to do is take out your kitchen scales!
Source : European Journal of Nutrition