What do you eat at the office when you have a little craving? Sweets, chips, chocolate bars? What if you chose healthy snacks from the start and healthy snacks that would allow you to stay focused all day long? Plus, these snacks are good for the figure…
According to a study, the snack market at snack time reached 5.5 billion euros in France. And we know that our fellow citizens often eat pastries and pastries as snacks.
Healthy snacks to stay focused
In the office, the idea of still holding one hour on an empty stomach before the next meal is sometimes painful. We then too often turn to snacks from vending machines or sugary, high-calorie snacks full of fat.
In the long term, snacking becomes an annoying habit which is not without impact on health. What if we found healthy and easy snacks to take to work?
At any time of the day, snacks help preserve energy. To this end, some nutrition specialists recommend never letting more than four hours go by without eating. Thus, blood sugar levels remain stable: there is less risk of being hungry at mealtimes and of overeating.
To avoid losing concentration and to stock up on energy, healthy snacks are ideal. In addition, the energy they provide lasts longer than snacks high in carbohydrates.
Even if we don’t always have the time or the desire to cook our own healthy snacks, we can prepare them quickly without any transportation constraints.
These practical snacks to take to work will produce a feeling of satiety, keep you in shape and facilitate digestion.
To snack in peace and wait calmly until the next mealwe have the choice between: the fruity break, the protein break, the cereal break, the antioxidant break, the comforting break. Discover the varied selection of our top 10 of the best healthy snacks.
10 healthy snacks for the office
1- Mixed dried fruits
The mixtures of dried fruit and of nuts are perfect for recharging batteries. With a high protein content and an optimal intake of omega 3, these oilseeds have a low glycemic index.
Also rich in minerals, particularly magnesium, dried fruits are essential for physical and psychological dynamism. These are healthy snacks to eat when the urge to snack hits you. Above all, they can easily be carried in your bag.
To compose your delicious mixture of dried fruits you need a tablespoon of each of these ingredients: almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, walnuts, raisins, dates and chocolate chips. Mix them and store them in an airtight container.
2- Pumpkin seeds
These small, flat and oval seeds contain a wide range of nutrients. In addition to being available all year round, pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants and phytosterols that can fight oxidative stress.
Also, thanks to their high zinc content, pumpkin seeds strengthen the immune system. This will fuel you with energy and minerals for the rest of the day.
To prepare your snack, simply place the pumpkin seeds in the oven at 120° for 20 minutes and sprinkle them with a teaspoon of curry powder. At snack time, limit yourself to a palm-sized portion of seeds.
3- Grilled quinoa
THE quinoa is one of the most nutritious plants in the world. Its seed is a true superfood, well known to people with gluten intolerance. It is above all a source of omega 3, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.
Quinoa seed contains as much fiber as whole grains and is useful for moderating the glycemic index, increasing the feeling of satiety and stimulating lazy transits.
Roasted, this seed retains all its benefits and has a delicate nutty taste. The recipe is easy: lightly sweeten the quinoa (coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup) and toast it in the oven for 10 minutes, at 200°. You can add it to yogurt or snack on it as is, it’s simply healthy and delicious.
4- Protein popcorn
It is the most popular snack for movie nights. But little is known that it can also be used as an office snack. Easy to prepare, popcorn is extremely rich in fiber, low in fat and calories and also has a real satiating effect.
This snack is healthy, economical and contains a good amount of protein, phosphorus and iron (even more than spinach). Popcorn is ideal for weight control and a good solution against cravings.
To increase the protein intake of popcorn, you can add nutritional yeast which is very rich in vitamin B. You can also vary the taste by flavoring it with paprika, cinnamon or curry. To prepare, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast and a pinch of sugar on 25 g of popcorn.
5- Apple slices with peanut butter
Easy to store and filling, apples are a healthy and balanced snack. It provides a feeling of satiety and various nutrients (fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.).
The addition of peanut butter brings a creamy touch and a salty-sweet taste to the apples. Fewer in calories than butter, it also helps fight bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of diabetes. This is a very popular mid-afternoon blend.
To this mixture, you can also add dark chocolate chips to benefit from their richness in magnesium. To do this, slice an apple into a round, remove the seeds, coat with peanut butter and sprinkle with dark chocolate chips.
6- Grilled chickpeas
Salty and crunchy, chickpeas are a better option than chips. You can get a spicy mixture that is very good for your health. They contain fiber, proteins which slow down transit and have an exceptional appetite suppressant property.
Roasted chickpeas reduce cholesterol levels and provide vitamin A to the eyes. Above all, they help fight fatigue; if you like the taste, it’s the perfect snack to boost tone and vitality at snack time.
To prepare: remove the skin from the chickpeas, coat them with oil and spices (cayenne pepper) and bake for 20 minutes at 160°. These are healthy snacks that are very easy to take on the go.
7- Greek yogurt with muesli
When you’re feeling hungry, frozen treats are tempting, but you can choose a classic, nutrient-rich snack. High-protein, Greek yogurt is rich in calcium, lower in calories and rich in probiotics. In addition, it is an appetite moderator.
Besides, muesli is interesting from a nutritional point of view because of its concentration of minerals and vitamins. This Greek yogurt and muesli duo can be combined with other ingredients such as blueberries, quinoa, chocolate chips, etc.
For the recipe: we take a natural Greek yogurt, we cover it with a mixture of fresh red fruits, muesli, quinoa, bananas, apples (or any fruit in fact), seeds… This snack is very recommended for small hunger pangs in the morning and mid-afternoon.
8- Chia seed pudding
This snack is healthy and requires no preparation or cooking. The pudding chia seeds helps regulate appetite and has slimming properties. Indeed, when they are ingested, they expand in the intestine, which increases the feeling of satiety.
Although they don’t have much flavor, chia seeds are very high in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. They take on a gelatinous consistency when soaked in liquid.
How to do it: mix 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with 100 ml of vegetable milk in a small bowl. Add maple syrup, cinnamon and raisins. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.
9 – Hard-boiled eggs, healthy and practical snacks
This animal food is high in protein and minerals, while being low in saturated fat and calories. This is a great option to remember when the cravings arise.
The richness of its yellow in vitamins gives a boost which will make you more alert and concentrated during the day. Very easy to prepare in advance, you can cook several on Sunday and you will have enough for the whole week.
It is advisable to choose them organic. You can combine hard-boiled eggs with vegetables such as avocado or accompany them with a slice of toasted wholemeal bread. Also, they can be seasoned with a drizzle of vinegar, a hint of pepper, cayenne pepper or even guacamole.
10 – Homemade cereal bars
Instead of running to the distributor and rushing for industrial cereal bars, loaded with additives, you can opt for “homemade” cereal bars that are healthy and rich in nutrients.
We have the choice: curry granolas, blueberry oat bars, etc. They are gluten-free, balanced in carbohydrates, proteins and good fats. With a delicious texture, cereal bars are rich in fiber and are an ideal appetite suppressant.
To prepare around 10 bars, you need: 4 teaspoons of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of liquid honey, 1 egg, 2 cups of cereals (oats, nuts, etc.), dried fruit and seeds. Then we wrap them individually and put them in the freezer (it’s also an excellent snack after sports).
In conclusion
Anticipate your next craving at work and prepare your own healthy snacks at home. These snacks will help you preserve your energy, calm your hunger, resist the temptation of snacks sold in vending machines and are truly delicious.
If you know of other healthy snacks to recharge the batteries, share your little secrets with us in the comments.
Useful links :
- The best sellers of Healthy snacks on Amazon.fr
- I eat healthy and organic, even at work by Marie Chioca