With only 20 Cal per 100g, spinach is a champion of lightness. “Perfectly suited to people who take care of their figure, it is rich in water and fibers which promote good transit and help to keep the flat belly », Assures Saloi Benbaha, naturopath. And that’s not all: in addition to its high satiating power, it helps us to store less: “Its leaves contain compounds called” thylakoids “, cell membranes where photosynthesis takes place (transformation of light into energy) . They promote satiety and slow down the absorption of fat by the body, ”adds our expert.
Very few calories, a lot of antioxidants
Besides its lightness, spinach is a treasure trove of blessings. It contains many minerals and vitamins. In particular vitamins B (in particular B9 and PP), C and E, as well as beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A). It is a source of iron, especially if you consume at the same time a food rich in vitamin C (citrus fruit, Kiwi, pepper …) to facilitate its absorption. “It also provides zinc, calcium, magnesium and a small dose of omega-3”, continues the naturopath. Very antioxidant, especially thanks to its richness in chlorophyll and bioflavonoids, it is renowned for its anticancer and alkalinizing properties. Finally, thanks to its richness in carotenoids (beta-carotene), it protects the skin and eyesight. It is also necessary to take into account the cooking. “Eating raw or cooked spinach does not have the same virtues”, emphasizes Saloi Benbaha. If they are believed, vitamin C is very present, as well as the B vitamins, sensitive to heat.
More omega-3s and less omega-6s to lose weight
To be limited in certain cases
“Conversely, cooking potentiates beta-carotene, vitamin E, zinc and even iron. The best is to vary : eat them in a salad or with béchamel sauce, or just melted. And add a little fat like olive oil to promote the assimilation of fat soluble nutrients. “
Be careful, however, if you have a kidney problem. Cooked spinach indeed contains oxalic acid, contraindicated in lithiasis (calculus). Better to eat it raw. If you are on an anticoagulant, it is better not to overdo it, because it is rich in vitamin K which promotes coagulation. We can then eat it twice a week, no more. One last tip: cooked spinach must be consumed quickly, to prevent its nitrates from turning into nitrites, toxic in high doses.
In what form to consume it?
Fresh in branches
Bought at the market with smooth, green leaves, cooked spinach is the friend of all recipes. Just be sure to rinse the leaves well and remove their hard stems.
Fresh frozen
Perfect to avoid the chore of cleaning (or if it is not the season …). In branch or chopped, it always contains a maximum of vitamins. Corn
canned spinach is not recommended: it absorbs the heavy metals sometimes present in the can. No problem with glass jars (homemade is even better …).
In young shoots
Tender and soft, they will delight your fresh salads.
Ideas for every day
In a smoothie
In the bowl of a blender, put 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 peeled kiwi, 1 banana, and 20 cl of almond milk, then mix.
In a pesto
Finely mix 100 g of fresh spinach with 1 clove of garlic, 5 cl of olive oil, 20 g of cashew nuts, 25 g of Parmesan cheese, salt and a little pepper. Serve with al dente pasta.
Video: the artisanal production of Parmigiano Reggiano
Slimming: 7 low GI pasta recipes to keep weight off
Drop 4 handfuls in a pan with a fine drizzle of olive oil. When they are just tender, garnish with 2 toasts with goat cheese browned in the oven.
Express recipes
Spinach salad
Mix 4 handfuls of baby spinach, diced dried figs, goat cheese, 3 tbsp. to s. roasted pine nuts and croutons
bread in olive oil. Serve with an orange vinaigrette.
Pancakes with salmon filling
Brown a buckwheat pancake in a pan. Garnish with steamed spinach, then add 1 slice of smoked salmon, a dash of soy cream and a zest of lemon.
Zoom on buckwheat flour
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The health benefits of spinach