After several nights without sleep (or almost), we see bluish or brownish spots appear under our eyes: dark circles. A natural phenomenon, explained by Dr. Fatima Fahs, dermatologist in USA : “our blood vessels dilate especially when we are tired. The skin around the eyes, which is relatively thin, allows this pigmentation to be seen.“
Vitamin deficiency can also cause dark circles
Yes, but here it is: dark circles are not always linked to a lack of sleep.
“When you eat too much salt, it can cause bags under the eyes due to water retention, just like thyroid diseases.adds the American dermatologist. Due to sinus congestion, people with seasonal allergies may also experience dark circles as well as swelling of the lower eyelid. Finally, anemia, which does not allow the body to completely oxygenate its tissues, is another cause for dark circles.“
Last possible causes: smoking or deficiency of certain vitamins which lead to thinning, dehydration and loss of elasticity of the skin, especially under the eyes, which reveals small vessels.
If you are concerned about your dark circles, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. And also remember to balance your diet to stock up on the vitamins your skin needs. We tell you where to find them in this slideshow.