To love yourself is to give yourself the possibility of being happy.
It is often mistakenly believed that the romantic encounter is only the result of chance. On the contrary, the choice of a partner obeys more or less unconscious reasons such as self-esteem, confidence and self-esteem.
Find the right balance
Lack of love and self-esteem can lead to making the wrong partner choices. That’s what happens when the same catastrophic or disappointing love stories happen again.
Conversely, an excess of self-esteem can also cause problems and prevent you from projecting yourself into a sharing relationship with the other. This is why it is important to love each other by getting to know each other in order to make the right choices, and above all, to send the right signals.
Reconcile with yourself to be happy
To offer yourself the possibility of finding true love is above all to get to know yourself better through your own helping or limiting beliefs about yourself, others and love. The lack of self-love leads in some cases to take refuge in a toxic love story that never ends, or to flee any potentially romantic encounter.
To learn to love yourself, it is not enough just to stop denigrating or belittling yourself, but to come to recognize your qualities, your strengths and your skills. Accepting yourself is the first step that allows you to become aware of yourself and your imperfection.
Do not see yourself as a victim, but cultivate your authenticity, your values and your sincerity. Dare to be yourself while continuing to be attentive to others. The idea is to find a compromise between your own expectations and those of others.
Finally, do not hesitate to silence your inner judge by rationalizing your thoughts and making constructive self-criticism. After all, wouldn’t you speak that way to a dear friend? By becoming your best friend, you accept your happiness and a love story that will only enhance your self-esteem.
Find out more: “Se respect” by Patricia Spadaro, published by Pocket.