Personal skills in a professional environment (we speak of interpersonal skills at work) are distinguished from technical skills (know-how). Today, it is often they who make the difference between two candidates for a given position.
Often referred to as “ soft skills » (soft skills), they aim to complete the description of the expected profile in job offers, to promote candidates via their profile and their CV, as well as to facilitate exchanges during job interviews.
The 5 big families of soft-skills
If there is a certain list of soft skills considered essential (self-confidence, empathy, creativity, cooperation, collaboration, agility, leadership, assertiveness, etc.), we can note that there are five main families of personal skills. Families define emotional intelligence; they improve our personal and social skills :
- Self-awareness. CIt begins with understanding oneself: “I am more aware, able to welcome my emotions, to understand and respond to my needs, and therefore more inclined to understand those of others”.
- Self-control. “I am learning to readjust my behavior, to manage and channel my emotions when necessary, to interact more effectively. »
- Empathy. “I am learning to listen, to take others into consideration without any filter and without any judgment. I also help others to become aware of their needs and to formulate them. »
- Communication. It encompasses many things: our ability to say things, to formulate and rephrase them if necessary, to convey the right messages. Our ability to receive feedback, to learn from ourselves and others, from ourselves and from others. Our ability to manage communications, relationships, arguments, negotiations, conflicts, to create networks, to cooperate, to collaborate, to co-construct.
- There motivation. It will be important to continue to nourish one’s intrinsic motivation, to project oneself, to find meaning, to enable one to create, innovate, interact, serve, listen… This motivation will be the key to any commitment to one’s work and whatever the field.
The most appreciated personal skills
THE sense of organization is the ability to plan, prioritize, anticipate actions taking into account the means, resources, objectives and timetable to achieve them.
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There rigor is the ability to carry out tasks by accurately following rules, procedures,
instructions that were provided without making errors, and to convey information accurately.
There adaptability is the ability to adapt to varied situations and to adjust to organizations, work groups, habits and values specific to the company.
There stress management is the ability to maintain self-control to act effectively in the face of irritating, unexpected or stressful situations.
There ability to unite is the ability to mobilize a team or people and lead them in the pursuit of a shared objective.
There force of proposal is the ability to initiate and imagine new solutions to resolve identified problems or improve a situation.
Sense of collective
THE teamwork is the ability to work and coordinate with others within the company, with trust and transparency, to achieve set objectives. You know the saying “ Alone, we go faster, together, we go further »: this ability is not limited to knowing how to work in a team, it goes further. It involves wanting to ensure that the entire company moves forward.
It is therefore essential to know how to listen to others, to show empathy and to want everyone to flourish in their work. This skill helps us to have better reading of people and situationsto adapt accordingly, to build trust and to establish closer connections with others.
Autonomy and decision-making capacity
There curiosity is the ability to look beyond what is given to see, to be open to new things and to do one’s own research to understand and act appropriately.
THE sense of communication is the ability to clearly transmit information, exchange, listen actively, receive feedback and messages and demonstrate an open mind.
There perseverance is the ability to maintain effort until the complete completion of a task regardless of unforeseen circumstances or obstacles encountered.
L’autonomy is the ability to take charge of one’s activity without having to be supervised in a continuous and systematic manner.
There decision-making ability is the ability to make choices to act, to take charge of one’s activity and to report, without having to be supervised on an ongoing basis.
There taking a step back is the ability to demonstrate objectivity, to take a distance to analyze facts, situations and interactions before acting or making a decision.
There reactivity is the ability to react quickly to events and unforeseen circumstances, by prioritizing actions according to their degree of urgency or importance.
This is material to take stock of the personal skills that characterize you. And if you want to check if you’re ready to change jobs, it’s over here.