Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to get ready for the new year. For children, returning to routine is not always easy, only anticipation can help them plan better.
With the holidays coming to an end, some children find it difficult to find the rhythm of daily life and separate from their parents. It’s normal, the return to school can be difficult for them because they need time to better live the transitions.
Plan ahead when the holidays are over
A few days before the start of the school year, do not hesitate to start preparing for the return to the routine by putting back in place a few elements that will make the return to the usual hours easier. In addition, for your child it will be reassuring to see that certain things do not change, such as the bedtime ritual, or the family dinner to tell each other about their day.
Gradually, you can begin to advance bedtime and wake up time, ask him to help set the table, get clothes and things ready for the next day, and get him into his usual routine for the school year.
Don’t destabilize him too much overnight
Children need to get their bearings gradually, which is why anticipation will be the best way to help them better experience their return to school. This gradually involves preparing supplies and his schoolbag, but also the discussions you can have with him about how things will go and what his days will look like. This will help him to better anticipate and plan for what will follow.
You can also set up a timetable on the fridge or the wall with drawings, stickers or words adapted to his age which describe what he must do in the morning or in the evening for example. It can be to draw clothes when he has to get dressed, a slice of bread when he has lunch or a toothbrush to brush his teeth.
Finally, don’t forget to still enjoy the holidays by allowing him to play outside when possible and by spending time with him.
Find out more: “Early childhood and neuroscience: (Re)constructing practices” by Christine Schuhl, Josette Serres and Alain Lascaux, Chronique Sociale editions.