Being yourself without fear of criticism is a process that requires courage, perseverance and a good dose of introspection.
Feeling pressure to meet the expectations of others is often linked to the fear of disappointing or being judged. It can then lead us to ignore our deep desires and live for the approval of others. However, it is essential to refocus on yourself and rediscover your personal aspirations to lead a fulfilling life.
Regaining self-confidence: an essential step
The first step to being yourself is to build your self-esteem. Living in constant expectation of approval from others can encourage people to believe that their worth depends solely on them.
To break away from this belief, remember that your worth depends on what you think about yourself. The best way to cultivate self-confidence is to think about your passions, your talents and what matters most in your life. It doesn’t matter if those around you don’t see any interest in it, what matters is what it brings you.
Surround yourself with the right people
A caring social circle can also make all the difference in accepting yourself. If some people systematically criticize your choices, it may be time to review the relationships around you by looking for people who share your interests and aspirations.
Meeting people who support you and understand your goals can boost your confidence, but it’s not necessary to break up with all your old friends. Constructive criticism is always beneficial, but systematic judgments have no place in a healthy relationship.
Communicate and persevere in the face of criticism
Sometimes the fear of criticism comes from a lack of communication. By expressing your plans and ideas and talking about your ambitions, you can not only clarify your goals, but also defuse certain judgments.
Still, it’s important to recognize that not everyone will understand your choices. Some will judge out of incomprehension or projection of their own fears. In these moments, keep in mind that you are moving forward for you and not for them.
Find out more: “I am no longer afraid of the judgment of others” by Franck Lamagnere and Chantal Joffrin le Clerc.