Also called holistic gymnastics, this method is the result of the work of Lily Ehrenfried, a doctor and physiotherapist by training. “According to Dr. Ehrenfried, each human being carries within him the sense of health, explains Catherine Casini, physiotherapist and president of the Dr Ehrenfried Pupils’ Association. But often, we lose this sense, as a result of an accident, psychological annoyances, physical constraints, etc. The objective of the Ehrenfried method is therefore to relaunch this balance dynamic specific to each person by working to become aware of the body and its movements.
In practice
During the 60-minute session, in a small group, the students perform simple movements that involve areas that are often left dormant. Small tools (ball, ball, cushion) are used to facilitate movement. The practitioner does not show the movements, but describes them. “Thus, each person performs them as they feel them, according to their own capacities and possible difficulties”, underlines Catherine Casini. The gesture is slow, with particular attention to the breathing. “The movement is carried out on a first side. Then we stop to compare the sensations. With this awareness, the body will gradually, naturally, find the most appropriate gestures and postures. “
For who ?
“For all those, of all ages, who are looking for well-being, who want to preserve their body and stay healthy. To free yourself from muscle pain and tension, ”explains the practitioner.
Who dispenses it?
It can be a health professional (physiotherapist, nurse, sports doctor), a dance or sports teacher.