Want to work (a little) your legs? In addition to strength training exercises that specifically target the calves, thighs and persistent cellulite, adopt the reflex “swimming“. Take advantage of the reopening of the swimming pools to favor breaststroke and crawl with slow and well-controlled movements – do not hesitate to be accompanied by a sports coach. Little tip: for even faster results, equip you of short fins.
Also interesting: thewater aerobics(ideal for burning a maximum of calories and fine-tuning at high speed in the lower body) andaquabiking (which intensely solicits the thighs and calves). Finally, for those who do not like water, there is the solution stretching (the legs are refined and we gain joint flexibility) or Pilates (a sport suitable even for great beginners).
The best sports to lose weight from the bottom: swimming and water aerobics
Food side, avoid foods rich in salt (bread, prepared meals, sauces and industrial condiments …) which promote water retention and cause a “swelling” effect on the thighs and calves.
Finally, bet on a “boost” aromatherapy : make a slimming massage oil by mixing 5 drops of Provence cypress essential oil (anti-cellulite), 5 drops of Atlas cedar essential oil (which destocks fat) and 5 drops of essential oil of juniper (decongestant and diuretic) in 10 mL of vegetable oil (macadamia oil, for example). Vigorously massage your legs every morning before showering. Watch out for contraindications!
The 4 stages of Chinese leg massage
- We begin by gently tapping the outside of the leg, using your fist and working your way down to follow the gallbladder meridian.
- We go back inside the leg to go in the direction of the venous circulation.
- Continue by massaging in small circular movements with the pulp of the thumb the internal part of the leg, following the tibia and insisting on two points, 6 cm above the ankle and just below the knee.
- We finish with smoothing from the bottom up, from the bottom of the foot to the groin, varying the gentle smoothing that plays on the lymph, more supported to activate blood circulation, and even more in depth to act on the muscle.
- 50 gym exercises for lazy women – Sioux Berger and Lydie Raisin, eds. Marabout.
- 15 minutes a day for a new body – Raphaël Gruman and Anne Dufour, eds. Leduc.S
Read also :
- Recommended sports for sharp legs
- 7 steps to beautiful legs
- Lipedema: what does “post leg disease” consist of?