Eating healthy also means taking advantage of what nature has to offer us when she decides to. Each month its seasonal products for more flavors and nutritional benefits. Here is a seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar to consult all year round.
Every month, new seasonal fruits and vegetables season come to enrich your menus with their colors and flavors.
Why a seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar?
The seasonal products are fruits and vegetables produced in a natural way without their cultivation interfering with the natural production cycle. They must therefore be consumed only during the period corresponding to this production.
We can respect the food seasonality based on the seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar. Seasonal products, grown locally, in fact combine obvious advantages on all the plans :
— Announcement —
- They have more taste : Vegetables that ripen in the sun develop flavors that those ripening during transport cannot. The farther away they come, the earlier they are picked and the less flavorful they will have.
- They cover our nutritional needs at the right time: nature offers us everything we need at the right time.
- They are more rich in antioxidants : Antioxidants are molecules that protect the body’s cells from the attacks they undergo on a daily basis (pollution, smoking, UV rays, etc.), and therefore help prevent the onset of certain diseases and slow down aging.
- They are less treated : Out of season, a vegetable comes from a greenhouse harvest or has been grown using pesticides to help it grow and compensate for the lack of sunlight and nutrients in the soil.
- They are cheaper : local seasonal products require less transport and are not taxed on importation. This affects their price.
Not yet convinced, you can consult this express video, very well done, on the right reasons for stick to the schedule seasonal fruits and vegetables.
From our side, we are happy to offer you the second part of our seasonal fruits and vegetables calendar. You can find the fruits and vegetables of the first semester here.
July, peaches and nectarines are out…
Among the fruits and vegetables of July, red fruits such as blackcurrant and blueberry make their entry, as do some summer vegetables that we missed: peppers and zucchini …
Seasonal fruits
Apricot, Lingonberry, Banana, Cherry, Blackcurrant, Lemon, Fig, Strawberry, Raspberry, Passion fruit, Redcurrant, Melon, Mango, Nectarine, Peach, Apple, Plum, Watermelon
Seasonal vegetables
Garlic, Artichoke, Asparagus, Eggplant, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Celery, Romanesco Cabbage, Cucumber, Zucchini, Spinach, Fennel, Green bean, Lettuce, Corn, Green peas, Pepper, Tomato, Radish
August, melon on the beach
August has a holiday flavor, it is the month richest in seasonal fruits and vegetables. It is especially the peak season for tomatoes, the most consumed and easiest to prepare fruit vegetable.
Seasonal fruits
Apricot, Lingonberry, Banana, Blackcurrant, Cherry, Lemon, Fig, Strawberry, Raspberry, Passion fruit, Redcurrant, Mango, Melon, Mirabelle, Blackberry, Blueberry, Nectarine, Watermelon, Peach, Plum, Prune, Pear
Seasonal vegetables
Garlic, Artichoke, Eggplant, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Carrot, Celery, Romanesco Cabbage, Cucumber, Zucchini, Spinach, Fennel, Green bean, Lettuce, Corn, Turnip, Pepper, Tomato, Radish
Read also:
Seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar (1/2): January-June
Masterclass: Knowing how to eat (with JM Cohen)
September, let’s celebrate the grape
September fruits and vegetables are packed with water, fiber, minerals and vitamins. They allow you to hydrate and have an appetite suppressant effect because, in general, they are very low in calories.
Seasonal fruits
Lemon, Quince, Blackcurrant, Fig, Melon, Blackberry, Blueberry, Mirabelle, Peach, Pear, Apple, Plum, Prune, Grape
Seasonal vegetables
Garlic, Artichoke, Eggplant, Beet, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Carrot, Celery, White Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Romanesco Cabbage, Cucumber, Zucchini, Spinach, Fennel, Green Bean, Lettuce, Corn, Onion, Parsnip, Leek , Pepper, Potato, Tomato, Radish
October, the squash race
Autumn has arrived with its fruits and vegetables packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Consuming local and seasonal products is essential. It is a responsible approach.
Seasonal fruits
Avocado, Banana, Quince, Lemon, Fig, Mango, Blackberry, Walnut, Grapefruit, Pear, Apple, Grape, Papaya, Persimmon
Seasonal vegetables
Beet, Broccoli, Swiss Chard, Carrot, Celery, Button Mushroom, White Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout, Squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Cucumber, Endive, Spinach, Fennel, Curly, Green Bean, Lettuce, Lamb’s lettuce, Corn, Onion, Leek, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Salsify, Jerusalem artichoke
November, the kiwi is back
From picking chestnuts to tasting clementines, November fruits bring flavor and freshness to us. It is the massive arrival of citrus fruits that will protect us this winter.
Seasonal fruits
Pineapple, Avocado, Banana, Quince, Lemon, Clementine, Passion fruit, Pomegranate, Persimmon, Kiwi, Lychee, Walnut, Mango, Chestnut, Orange, Grapefruit, Papaya, Pear, Apple
Seasonal vegetables
Beet, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Carrot, Celery, White Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout, Squash, Pumpkin, Endive, Spinach, Fennel, Curly, Lettuce, Lamb’s lettuce, Turnip, Onion, Leek, Pumpkin, Potato, Parsnip , Radish, Salsify, Jerusalem artichoke
Read also:
Seasonal fruit and vegetable calendar (1/2): January-June
Masterclass: Knowing how to eat (with JM Cohen)
December, citrus month
The cold and the gray are not very favorable conditions for lush vegetable gardens. But there are varieties of seasonal fruits and vegetables that know how to do well as winter approaches.
Seasonal fruits
Pineapple, Avocado, Banana, Lemon, Clementine, Passion fruit, Pomegranate, Persimmon, Kiwi, Lychee, Mango, Chestnut, Orange, Grapefruit, Pear, Apple, Papaya
Seasonal vegetables
Beet, Carrot, Celery, Brussels Sprout, Kale, Red cabbage, Squash, Pumpkin, Endive, Lamb’s lettuce, Turnip, Onion, Leek, Pumpkin, Potato, Parsnip, Radish, Salsify, Jerusalem artichoke