Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, they do us good, and there is no downside to consuming it as part of a slimming diet. However, they are also high in fructose, and some experts advise against eating them all the time. So what is it in reality?
Eating fruit is good for your health. No one can question this claim. But among specialists, some point to the difference between the times to consume them. There would be hours when they should be avoided if you want to keep the line or lose weight. “In fact, there is no universal and standard rule, comments Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist in Montpellier. It depends on several things. What fruits are we talking about? … Some contain more sugar than others, for example. It also depends on the sensitivity of his organism which varies from person to person. Or the amount ingested. Finally another criterion to take into account the effect of fruits on the body. Some have sensitive and fragile intestines and can experience bloating very quickly. “
In any case, as a snack, a piece of fruit is always better than cookies which only provide empty calories. At least, we can benefit from a supply of vitamins, fibers, potassium … And also in fructose, that is to say by adding sugar that allows you to maintain the concentration and the energy necessary to wait until dinner.
To keep the figure, it is rather the choice of the fruit that matters. If we want to be careful, we will favor those with a low glycemic index. The champions in the field being the apple or the grapefruit. But there are many others like kiwi, strawberries, oranges, etc. The sweetest fruits -cherries, bananas, grapes among others- should be consumed in limited quantities and reserved for the days when you have planned a physical activity session after. They are indeed very rich in sugar, even if it is the natural sugar in fruits. Sport will thus eliminate them. Ditto for dried fruits.
Learn to self-observe
In addition, many nutrition specialists do not recommend fruit after meals. They would thus stay in the stomach for a long time and would start to ferment around the bolus due to their fructose content. This fermentation is the source of digestive discomfort such as bloating and therefore an increase in the waistline. “This theory is not for everyone. There are people who eat fruit at the end of a meal without harmful consequences. So you have to learn to observe yourself and analyze yourself. We test and analyze the effects on our body. Everyone is the best observer of themselves to correct the situation “, analyzes the nutritionist.
Before a meal or as a snack?
Fruits can also be included with breakfast. A fruit salad to start the day will guarantee you a significant intake of vitamins.
As for fruit-based snacks, at any time and as long as you limit yourself to just one, they are unlikely to raise the needle of the scales. If you want to keep the line, there do not exceed 2 fruits per day and favor categories with a low glycemic index.
The reflex which consists in eating fruit just before a meal can be interesting to eat less because it allows a satiation, therefore a less important meal in quantities.
Finally know that it is important to consume the whole fruit with the skin and not in juice. The latter is very harmful for the line since it only contains sugar, the fibers having disappeared. However, the interest of fibers in a slimming diet no longer needs to be demonstrated. Besides a better digestion and a better transit, they allow to stall the most hungry stomachs.
Thanks to Laurent Chevallier Nutritionist in Montpellier, author of “I live with an autoimmune disease”, Marabout editions
Also read:
- The best fruits with the lowest calories
- Slimming: 12 tips to keep your diet
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables: what to eat, month by month
- 6 ways to prepare watermelon