Wake up your digestive system!
People who skip breakfast are four times more likely to become overweight than people who eat in the morning. Breakfast wakes up your digestive system. What is the best food to eat to benefit from the positive effects?
Your breakfast gets your bowels going. This gives you energy that helps you to start the day fit and focused. In addition, you are less likely to sniff if you have had a good breakfast. A lot of research shows a clear link between not eating breakfast and being overweight. Plenty of good reasons to take the time to eat in the morning.
High fiber menu
Start the day with a nutrient boost. Harvard scientists emphasize that the benefits of breakfast only apply if you choose a diet rich in fiber.
The Nutrition Center recommends starting every day with at least one whole grain product. Preferably spread with low-fat margarine or another soft bread spread for good fatty acids. Low-calorie toppings are, for example, jam, fruit sprinkles, apple syrup or 30+ cheese.
Would you rather not start with bread? Then low-fat yogurt with muesli is a good option. You can add even more healthy substances to such a bowl of dairy by adding a handful of bran, blueberries, pieces of banana or other fruit. Most breakfast cereals contain a lot of fiber, but also a lot of sugar and calories.
Start light
Your breakfast is therefore a crucial meal if you are watching your weight. To take advantage of the satiety effect of breakfast, a cracker is not enough. Some diets start the day so light that sweets and snacks become very tempting. So don’t see it as your first opportunity to save calories, but as the basis for a snack-free day. Eat enough and enjoy.
If you don’t feel hungry right after you get up, just have some fruit. But, later in the morning have a sandwich or low-fat yogurt with muesli. This prevents the ‘ten o’clock’ from getting out of hand.
To lose weight? Sausage baking!
Breakfast as the most important meal of the day is the basis of Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz’s extreme Big Breakfast Diet. She conducted a study among overweight women. One group ate at least half of her daily calories immediately with breakfast, the other group had a light breakfast and followed a regular diet. The big breakfasters lost more weight.
At the Big Breakfast Diet, for example, you can eat fried eggs with sausages and other heavy fare. After such a meal of 600 to 850 calories, a scanty lunch and dinner follow. According to Jakubowicz, this would put your metabolism to work. And: with a good bottom, it’s easier to say no during the day.
The Big Breakfast Diet has many practical drawbacks. Most importantly, the rest of the world eats extensively in the afternoon and evening, so it takes a lot of discipline and flexibility to keep it up. Moreover, according to many scientists, it is simply a matter of not eating more than you need throughout the day.
There is no magical time to eat. It’s just that if you don’t eat breakfast, you’re more likely to fall for high-calorie bites later in the day. Also, a large breakfast often provides a lot of saturated fat.
Do you love the Anglo-Saxon big breakfast? Then occasionally make an omelette of two eggs with ham and melted 30+ cheese. Possibly with ketchup. You will then eat more than 25 percent of your daily calorie needs, about 550, but that’s still much less than a real Big Breakfast.