Vitamin D: recommended
Bone growth requires vitamin D. Found in certain foods (including milk powders), it is mainly produced by the body under the effect of sunlight. Due to the lack of exposure to the sun, especially during the winter months, the additional need for vitamin D is real in the little ones. The needs are particularly important in babies with very pigmented skin because ultraviolet rays penetrate less well, just like those who live in very sunny areas when their skin is protected by sunscreens.
How? ‘Or’ What ? Supplementation is recommended from birth and up to 18 months at a rate of 1000 to 2000 units per day, or about the equivalent of three to four drops, directly in the mouth or in the nipple of a bottle. Quarterly doses can only be given from 18 months.
Fluoride: on a case-by-case basis
Praised in the 90s, this mineral element for a long time participated in the fight against cavities. But the appearance of numerous fluorosis (enamel staining) changed the recommendations. The most recommended measure currently is brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste with an age-appropriate fluoride content.
How? ‘Or’ What ? From 15 months, clean the teeth once a day with a compress or an extra-soft toothbrush, without using toothpaste. From 2 years old, brushing is recommended with fluoride toothpaste at 500ppm. In children at high caries risk, fluoride supplements (tablets) may be prescribed by the dentist, after carrying out a fluoride assessment (drinking water consumed, table salt used for the child’s meals), or better fluoride applications directly on the teeth.
Iron: on prescription
Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin, a protein responsible for transporting oxygen to organs and muscles. When this trace element is lacking, due to a diet too low in iron or the occurrence of many infections, anemia can occur.
How? ‘Or’ What ? When the doctor suspects anemia, he recommends a blood test to measure the amount of hemoglobin in his blood and his iron stores. Depending on the results, he may need to prescribe supplementation for a few months, in the form of syrup or chocolate powder.
Trace elements: no self-medication
A good immune system makes it possible to fight effectively against infectious diseases, in particular recurrent ENT infections. Trace elements can be advised to strengthen the defenses.
How? ‘Or’ What ? With the copper-gold-silver trio, often associated with sulfur. Copper is anti-infectious, gold stimulates the action of white blood cells (defenses), silver is bactericidal. And sulfur helps in the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. The trace elements are in the form of sachets to be diluted in the diet. The doctor usually advises one-month cures.
Vitamin supplements: in case of fatigue
Infections that follow one another, fatigue, difficult sleep, difficulty concentrating, so many symptoms that can benefit from a vitamin cure.
How? ‘Or’ What ? Vitamin supplements can be administered from 2-3 years Be careful not to give several at the same time. There is a risk of overdose with those containing vitamin A.
Read also :
All about vitamins
Babies lack vitamin D