Your pancreas is 15 cm long and is located in the abdomen behind the stomach. This essential organ produces several enzymes necessary for digestion. We cite for example amylase which allows the degradation of starch and lipase, which promotes the absorption of dietary fats. Constituting pancreatic juices, they flow into the small intestine through the pancreatic duct and participate in the digestion of food.
The pancreas also has the function of regulating the blood sugar. It is the only organ with the capacity to produce insulin and glucagon. As a reminder, insulin helps to lower sugar levels in the blood while glucagon increases it. We know that people affected by diabetes have to deal with constant hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance.
It is essential to take care of your pancreas. Acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cancer, diabetes… Diseases linked to pancreatic dysfunctions can result from poor lifestyle.
Fill up on fiber
Stock up on fruits and vegetables, high in fiber is the first thing to do to take care of your pancreas. ” They are beneficial because they slow the passage of sugar into the blood, and therefore prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar. “, explains Raphael Gruman, nutritionist (
Other foods should be limited because they may increase the risk of inflammation and, ultimately, cancer.
Limit red meat
There Red meat is high in saturated fats and bad cholesterol. It should be limited if you have already encountered pancreatic problems. Furthermore, several studies highlight a link between excessive consumption and pancreatic cancer.
Beware of deli meats
The dangers of cold cuts no longer need to be proven. Due to its content of nitrites and nitrates, cold meats are accused of promoting colon cancer. Studies also make it possible to “suspect” a positive association between exposure to nitrates and nitrites in the risks of pancreatic, breast, bladder, prostate and stomach cancers.
A Swedish study estimated that consuming 50 grams of processed meats such as cold cuts increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 19%. The research has been published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2012.
White bread requires a lot of energy from your pancreas
THE White bread enjoys a high glycemic index just like refined cereals (pasta, rice, etc.). They ask a lotenergy pancreas to regulate blood sugar. Excessive consumption can lead to exhaustion.
Soda and sugary products increase insulin levels
THE sugar content in sodas and sweet cakes increases the level ofinsulin in the body, ” which most certainly contributes to the development of pancreatic cancer cells », Estimated Noel T. Mueller, leader of a study carried out by the University of Minnesota (USA). The latter established that drinking more than two sodas per week increased the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 87%.
Alcohol promotes chronic pancreatitis
The pancreas is also a victim of alcohol. There chronic pancreatitis is most often of alcoholic origin (seven times out of ten on average). Patients who stop drinking alcohol allow their pancreatitis to resolve. Doctors also recommend stopping smoking.