June 3, 2003 – Women who turn to phytoestrogens in supplements as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy are wasting their time and money, Finnish researchers say.
Many postmenopausal women have abandoned hormone therapy since it has been established that it can increase the risk of breast cancer, uterine cancer and even, recently, dementia. Some women choose to take herbal, estrogen-like substances instead, to relieve some of the nasty side effects associated with menopause.
In the case of at least one of them, hot flashes, women’s money would apparently be better invested in a good air conditioner than in these products.
The Finnish researchers prescribed 54 women either a treatment with phytoestrogens or a placebo. After three months, the participants took a two-month break before changing groups. No matter which group they were in, the control group, or the group taking phytoestrogens, the researchers could not detect any relief from the hot flashes even after three months.
These data are in line with previous studies, which also concluded that the phytoestrogens in the extract were not really effective. However, the phytoestrogens found in foods like soy would help reduce the intensity of menopausal symptoms.
For women who refuse hormone therapy to relieve hot flashes, researchers recommend cutting back on coffee and alcohol, reducing stress, getting more sleep, and exercising more.
The results of this study are published in the June issue of the medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to Reuters Health; June 3, 2003.