Psycho book: why read psychology books? How to learn about psychology?
It is human to ask a thousand and one questions about oneself and about others. To constantly question, or question, the world around us. To get answers, you can consult a psychologist or other expert Mental Health, subscribe to psychology journals or download applications directly from your smartphone. But reading is also an effective method for opening doors, as well as for understanding society, others and oneself. Our favorite department in this case: the psychology. Human, moral, behavioral, emotional…many are the books which deal with this subject from all angles. Discover the best books on psychology to calm your mind and feel better about your life.
“How to be perfect”, by Michael Schur
We all know a person, in our close or more distant entourage, to whom everything seems to be successful. Physically, mentally, in his way of being and acting…this person you admire (or hate, it depends) is perfect. We therefore ask ourselves the question: “How to be perfect? “. This is all that offers you to discover Michael Schur, creator of the hit series “The Good Place”, via his moral treatise “How to be perfect”. A book that opens with many ethical questions such as “Why bother doing good when there are no consequences to doing evil? “. A wise book that gives food for thought on concepts and ideas.
“How to be perfect”, by Michael Schur
“Go to your room! Provide educational boundaries for your children,” by Caroline Goldman
Here, Caroline Goldman, clinical psychologist and mother of four children, offers us a plea for the return of the notion of “common sense” in education. Its goal ? Replace the learning of limits against a serene psychic development, or even justify the use of a single non-violent educational action in order to effectively resolve the child’s behavioral problems. An educational reading to allow the child to gain self-confidence.
“Go to your room! Provide educational boundaries for your children,” by Caroline Goldman
“This life… and beyond”, by Christophe Fauré
We all wonder one day what there is after death. But between studies, science and fantasy, it is sometimes difficult to navigate. In “This life…and beyond”, Christophe Fauré offers a veritable compendium of investigations through a fascinating (but equally disturbing) survey of many universal questions. Among them: What happens after a death? Does our consciousness continue after physical death? What is the nature of our consciousness? A universal book to put in all hands, from high school students who are new to philosophy to adults and the elderly.
“This life… and beyond”, by Christophe Fauré
“Grieving from day to day”, by Christophe Fauré
By the same author, it is impossible to miss the book “Living through mourning day by day”. If losing a loved one is one of the most difficult ordeals of a lifetime to overcome, it is also a trauma that generates many physical, psychological, relational, social and spiritual repercussions for the rest of a lifetime. In this book, the author addresses and answers these questions that can be asked during a bereavement. From “how to live without the loved one we have lost” to “how to overcome the pain”. All enriched with testimonials, ideal to bring comfort to people who suffer the pain of mourning, and who may feel lost.
“Grieving from day to day”, by Christophe Fauré
“Little treatise on manipulation for the use of honest people”, by Robert-Vinent Joule and Jean-Léon Beauvois
French-speaking researchers in social psychology, Robert-Vincent Joule and Jean-Léon Beauvois are very well known in this field. The two professors here offer a small treatise on manipulative psychology. Understand: how to help us deal with manipulation. A book that deals with “us”, but also with the influence that we can have on others, consciously or not, even on ourselves. Do we not say, moreover, that in order to understand others, one must already understand oneself?
“Little treatise on manipulation for the use of honest people”, by Robert-Vinent Joule and Jean-Léon Beauvois
“Ethnomythological”, by Tobie Nathan
This is a book that is likely to delight both psychology and pop culture fans. In “Ethnomythologies”, Tobie Nathan explores from ethnology, mythology and psychoanalysis, the hidden meaning of these contemporary objects that surround us. From Havaianas flip-flops to controversial Birkenstock shoes, via Kebab and food seeds… Here, Tobie Nathan re-explores our new fads, to humorously bring out all their strangeness, irony and sometimes absurdity… Which says a lot about our world and society.
“Ethnomythological”, by Tobie Nathan
” Too intelligent to be happy ? », by Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Former attaché of the Hospitals of Paris and Marseille, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin is now a practicing psychologist. His speciality ? The gifted. In this book you will understand everything about extreme intelligence, its advantages and consequences. “How do you know if you are gifted? », « How then to better succeed in life? », « How to go to the end of its resources? “…so many questions that are asked in this book. A beautiful book for reclaiming one’s personality, regaining self-confidence, being at ease with others and fulfilling oneself.