In summer, the heat can have health consequences: first, there is the risk of sunstroke and heat stroke, then there is the risk of dehydration. And then there is the phenomenon of heavy legs and swollen ankles, which particularly affects women.
The swollen ankle sensation is frequent, especially in summer due to the high temperatures. However, there are tips to prevent this very common effect. Matthieu Josnin, president of the French Society of Phlebology (SFP) gives his advice.
The edema localized at the level of the ankles come from a bad venous return or a “lazy” return. We get up in the morning without noticing any problem, and if it is hot, the ankles start to swell throughout the day. “These are the veins that dilate and have difficulty in bringing blood back up. The intracellular fluid will stagnate which will constitute an edema”, summarizes Dr. Josnin.
This is the most common cause, but there are other more serious ones, such as heart failure or kidney or liver failure. But the most common case remains that where the venous return is hurt. The vein will dilate too much when it shouldn’t. This problem affects one in three French people. Especially women for hormonal reasons. “Progesterone and estrogen tend to promote vaso dilation and slow the flow of blood circulation. But today, men who did not consult, are also getting started. Even if the proportion of women remains high. Venous insufficiency affects one in three French people“, indicates the president of the SFP.
Besides gender, there are other risk factors. Age, for example, plays a big role. The older we get, the more we are exposed to it. Be careful, this does not mean that young people cannot suffer from it. Food (especially excess salt), sedentary lifestyle, overweight remain to be banned to avoid edema. However, there are a number of rules to follow to avoid ending up with ends that double in size. For example, eating less salt or strengthening your lymphatic system.
Thanks to Matthieu Josnin, president of the French Society of Phlebology (SFP).