Fibromyalgia manifests itself through a very varied set of symptoms for each patient. To the overall program prescribed by your doctor, it is possible to add natural treatments intended to combat this or that symptom causing the pain. Here are 5 natural therapies that can relieve fibromyalgia.
Today, in France, there are between two and three million people affected by fibromyalgiathe vast majority of women (nearly 80% of cases). However, this disease has long been forgotten, disregarded by medicine.
Consider: it was only in 1992 that theWHO officially recognized it. European authorities were even slower to react, since France only did it in 2007 and Union services in 2008.
1. A pro-alkaline diet
Nutrition is the main agent of excess acidity which creates the silent inflammation at the origin of painful phenomena. The carbohydrate impact of foods (their intake of fast sugars) plays a role in many secondary symptoms: fatigue, sleep, weight gain, etc.
Adapting your daily diet becomes a real rebalancing agent that helps relieve fibromyalgia. As for detox, it intervenes in an even more global way. Well-drained, depolluted, detoxified organs strengthen self-healing capabilities.
We must not trivialize these basic detox tools just because they sometimes resemble grandmother’s recipes. People with fibromyalgia have much to gain from supporting the activity of their emunctory organs (kidneys, liver, intestine), because their elimination system is burdened by taking medications. By helping them, they can balance their overall metabolism and improve the effectiveness of their treatments.
A few simple food rules allow us to provide the body with what it needs to function, while limiting foods which have a deleterious effect on the metabolism, in particular those which increase internal acidity, and those which have a significant glycemic impact.
Here are the basic dietary rules to relieve fibromyalgia:
- Limit your consumption of sugars and refined cereals (sweets, white bread, pastries, pre-cooked rice, industrialized foods, etc.). These foods have an acidifying effect and a violent impact on the regulation of blood sugar levels (glycemia). They thus nourish pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc.
- Prefer seafood and poultry to red meat. The latter is very acidifying. And don’t exaggerate with the quantities: 150 to 200 g per day is more than enough.
- Increase your vegetable intake. They contain minerals which counteract the acidifying effect of other foods, while having a very limited impact on blood sugar levels. They also provide the body with a number of valuable nutrients: vitamins, anti-oxidants, enzymes, etc.
- Don’t forget legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.). Their glycemic impact is reasonable, they provide vitamins and minerals, as well as plant proteins.
- As for cereals (bread, pasta, rice, etc.), choose them whole or semi-complete. Their glycemic impact will be lower, they will be richer in nutrients, and they will provide proteins which, combined with those of legumes, will allow you to replace part of the meat you usually consume without your body experiencing a deficiency.
2. A detox of the emunctories
By better eliminating your waste (starting with the residue from the medications you take), you will help your metabolism overall. To do this, simply regularly take herbal treatments targeted on the elimination organs (the emunctories) in order to stimulate and support them in their task.
- For the liver: artichoke, black radish, desmodium, milk thistle… Take a cure of one of these plants (or a mixture) for three weeks, once a quarter.
- For the kidneys: orthosiphon, pilosella, meadowsweet… Also take a three-week cure, once a quarter, of a plant or a mixture.
- A quick focus on heavy metals and aluminum: these substances are suspected of playing a role in the triggering and progression of fibromyalgia. You risk nothing by including in your program a treatment of micro-algae which facilitates their elimination: klamath, chlorella, spirulina… Also carry out a three-week treatment, once a quarter.
- Always be sure to take an 8-10 day break when switching from one plant to another.
3. Homeopathy to relieve fibromyalgia
This medicine treats with infinitesimal doses. Plants, minerals or animals are diluted to the extreme in the granulesthe choice of which must respect as much as possible the way in which the person manifests their symptoms. The choice therefore belongs to the homeopathic doctor who will be able to observe you to establish the treatment. This can help relieve fatigue, reduce sleep disorders, alleviate pain, calm digestive, skin or urinary disorders, etc.
4. Essential oils
These extremely concentrated plant extracts are difficult to handle orally. This method of administration is reserved for the therapist. Apart from any prescription, it is however possible to use them in massage, friction, baths, inhalation, etc.
Essential oils help manage many symptoms. There lavender and the yellow tangerine lower stress levels and improve sleep. L’black spruce is stimulating. There lying wintergreen reduces local pain. To name just a few examples that can help relieve fibromyalgia.
5. Yoga
Among all the psycho-corporeal techniques whose practice can help you relieve fibromyalgia, yoga is undoubtedly the most effective. Train with a teacher, then perform the postures (the asanas) which bring you peace.
Yoga helps in particular to restore sleep, to soothe nervous tension, to stimulate metabolism, to improve joint mobilityto dissolve muscle tension, to alleviate pain…
This is how, by organizing yourself the program that suits “your” fibromyalgia, you improve your well-beingalleviate your symptoms and gradually return to a bearable, even pleasant, daily life.
It is by thus becoming an “actor” of your healing that you will first succeed in live better with your fibromyalgiathen to silence her. Because it’s possible! There is no talk of a cure for fibromyalgia, but it is possible to reduce its symptoms to the point of forgetting it. Which, ultimately, amounts to almost the same thing…