Boost your health!
When it comes to healthy living, we often look at what we’re doing wrong. Also take a look at the healthy habits you already have. It is easier to reinforce them than to learn new ones.
Unnoticed you do a lot of good for your body, think of simple things such as relaxing when you come home or a walk for an errand. When you discover your healthiest habits, it’s easy to think of ways to boost your health. Use the four examples for inspiration.
Eating sandwiches
Something as simple as lunch is healthier than you think. Many people even skip the regular main meals, which makes them gasp quickly. So you can simply be proud if breakfast and lunch are your daily fare.
You can strengthen your healthy habit in this way: make tasty whole-wheat sandwiches, choose lean toppings and eat some fruit or raw vegetables with it. And, if you’re still greasing: make an extra one for the tasty snack in between. Also read: Eat some more.
You may take the car for certain things, but there are those trips, which you probably prefer to do by bike. That’s a healthy habit. Do you cycle for at least 15 minutes at a time? Then you don’t have to do anything about it anymore, that’s a great active moment.
Will it be a minute or five? Then strengthen your habit by making your regular cycling route (for example to work) at least 2.5 km. You can find a nice detour using sites like Google Maps or Map my Run. If you cycle that little bit further from now on, you will arrive at the Exercise standard of 30 minutes a day.
The health benefits of laughter are large according to a number of studies. You don’t necessarily need to practice Laughter Yoga to reap the benefits. Find out what makes you happy and make it happen more often. For example, meet more often with people who make you laugh, watch a DVD of your favorite series, cut out strips from the newspaper and stick them on.
healthy hobby
Many hobbies and activities are healthier than you think. Sport is of course great for your body and if you already do it often, that is fantastic. But, if you’ve been gardening all weekend, it’s good for your body too.
Map out the things you do, where you are on the move. From cleaning windows to running after your (grand) children. Think about making those habits a little more active.
You can also combine a hobby in which you sit still with sports by cycling there from now on. That is often easier than finding a free evening to exercise. Also read: Fit through everyday things.
Friday fries day
The last ‘healthy habit’ shows that sometimes you have to dig a little further. If you make the trip to the snack bar every week, that is of course not very good for you…
But if you look at it differently, you’ll discover a healthy habit. You have an eating tradition that you value. You do not deviate from it. If you’re committed to consistency, maybe make another day of the week your regular fishing day or Quick Soup Day. That will probably work better for you than just committing to eating healthy from now on.
Discover a healthy habit that you took for granted? Share it by posting a comment below this article.