Stem cells could be a therapeutic solution to treat erectile dysfunction, according to results of a study presented in London at the congress of the European Urological Association (EAU).
The erectile dysfunction affects nearly half of men between the ages of 40 and 70. There are several possible causes, such as prostate surgery,arterial hypertension, the diabetes, the cardiovascular illnesses and psychological problems. Current remedies, which include drugs such as Viagra and Cialis, penile injections or implants all cause inconvenience. Scientists have sought to find a way that restores sexual function in a natural way.
Long-term effective stem cells for erectile dysfunction
Researchers at Odense University Hospital (Denmark) conducted this study with 21 patients with erectile dysfunctionfollowing a surgical operation (“radical prostatectomy”) carried out as part of the treatment of a Prostate cancer.
They used stem cells from abdominal fat cells through liposuction. After isolating the stem cells, they injected them into the corpora cavernous area of the penis. None of the 21 men reported any significant side effects during the trial period, or the following year.
Within 6 months of treatment, 8 of the 21 patients reported having recovered sufficient erectile function to achieve full sexual activity. This improvement was maintained for a year, indicating that this treatment may provide long-term benefits.
“This is the first time that stem cell therapy has enabled patients to regain sufficient erectile function for sexual intercourse,” explains Dr Martha Haahr.
“We are pleased with the preliminary results, especially since these men had previously seen no improvement with traditional medical treatment and continue to have good erectile function after 12 months follow-up, indicating that this is true. could be a long-term solution. But you have to remember that this is a very small trial, without a control group. We are still a little far from a solution available in the clinic “.
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Couple: 5 tips to help them get a good erection
The shameful secrets of the penis
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