This beautiful book offers easy exercises across 10 themes and 50 detailed postures to soothe your mind and regain your vital energy. You will learn to master the postures of the pigeon, the cobra or even the camel thanks to clear and illustrated explanations, and for each posture, the author explains the benefits, alternatives or contraindications.
The different types of breathing are also detailed very precisely, like the breathing of fire or Kapalabhati, a practice considered in yoga as a Pranayama or a cleaning technique with multiple benefits. The author devotes particular attention to the balance between yin and yang, two energies which circulate within us and for which she suggests that you favor the realization of the sequences at the summer and winter solstices, to mark a rebirth .
As a bonus, Olisma, the pioneering brand of integrative health, offers you its holistic notebook.
Olisma aims to reconcile body and mind. Olisma’s pharmacists, doctors, experts in aromatherapy and scientific herbal medicine, health and well-being practitioners approach health as a whole, and reconcile all health practices (conventional, traditional, psycho-corporeal, etc.) and all dimensions of the individual (body, mind, spirituality).
This book is a guide that will provide you with advice and rituals to find a natural balance and to get started with yoga, master the basics and achieve your goals step by step.