Every weekend from July 1 to August 27, 2023, your magazine Top Santé is present on France Inter to animate the chronicle Health book ! The 18 chronicles are presented by our journalists, Céline Augier and Christelle Mosca-Ferrazza.
The opportunity to find the best advice from our editorial staff in order to continue to take care of yourself during the summer holidays.
After the remedies against sunburn and the advice to exercise during the holidays, our journalists help you to treat insect bites. The chronicle was broadcast on Sunday July 30 on France Inter and is already available in replay.
Insect bite: what are the right actions?
You can avoid mosquito bites by installing a mosquito net and putting on repellent. The protection lasts between 4 and 8 hours. ” And if the damage is already done, always have the reflex of the ice cubeexplains Céline Augier. The cold limits the itching “. A drop of lavender essential oil can also be effective: it is known for its antiseptic properties. The journalist also offers aloe vera gel. This anti-inflammatory is useful to calm the itching.
Against wasps, it is recommended to avoid clothing with floral prints: it attracts them. The same goes for perfumes and sunscreens with an overly strong smell. Also keep your glasses of soda or large meat dishes away.
In the event of a wasp sting, remove the sting with the edge of a credit card. ” Forget the tweezers, they just risk piercing and aggravating the symptoms “, maintains Céline Augier. You can calm the pain with cold. Then, disinfect without delay and watch for any symptoms of allergic reactions over the next 24 hours.
To find out more, Top Santé gives you an appointment on the replay of the chronicle, available on France Inter. A another chronicle broadcast on July 29 on France Inter gives the keys to preventing stomach aches in summer.