Even if it has become commonplace, celibacy remains for many an ordeal to go through. However, this status can have many benefits, especially in terms of health. Investigation.
“Celibacy is the drama of my generation, who had to face it without a model and without instructions for use. Our parents gave birth to a world – our world – in which the family is an option and the couple a possibility. ”It has become commonplace, but, as thirty-something Anne Berland explains very well in her book Celibadtrip (Michel Lafon), celibacy remains, for many, an ordeal to go through. However, this status, which continues more and more over time, can have many advantages, especially in terms of health.
From a physical point of view, first of all. “I have never slept so well since I was separated from Nicolas,” says Amélie, 34, a French teacher. “At work, I arrive in great shape, I transmit knowledge better and I am much more available to my students”.
People in a relationship are more prone to weight gain
Snoring, body heat, light from the bedside lamp, tablet or spouse’s phone … Sleep disorders, often caused by sleeping together, are associated with several ailments: concentration problems, confusion, irritability, memory loss, slowing down or improper processing of information, indifference, loss of empathy. On the long term, short-lived sleep even increases the risk of a heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and depression.
Numerous studies also prove that people in a relationship are more prone to weight gain, mainly because between life as a couple and the children who arrive, they have less time to play sports and take care of themselves. they. “It is true that the singles that I receive pay attention to their figure and often practice a sporting activity”, explains Patrick Harris, coach in seduction (www.coach-seduction.com), “and I encourage them in this way”. Poorly controlled overweight can indeed lead to many health concerns, especially if the person falls into obesity. We are talking here about diabetes,hypertension or even Cancer. When it comes to sport, we can no longer count the benefits attributed to it by medical research: anti-depressant, anti-ADHD, anti-cardiovascular disease, anti-Alzheimer’s …
“I have a lot less asthma attacks”
“Since I was little, I have always done sports, but my breakup has changed my practice,” says Julien, 32, a computer engineer. Her last serious relationship lasted 7 years, with a girl she met at her school. The separation, very painful, was experienced as a real divorce. “I really needed to occupy my mind. A friend with whom I played football challenged me to finish the Paris marathon. I took it up and since then I haven’t stopped. When I run, especially the trails, I reach new heights of happiness that I would never have experienced with the football. I have lost weight, I have quit smoking and I have far fewer asthma attacks. . I found a new physical and psychological balance thanks to celibacy “, he testifies.
Like Julien, the WHO and numerous studies point out that “health is not only a physical issue, but also a psychological one”. On this level, celibacy also allows, when it is well understood, to refocus and, at the same time, to strengthen one’s mental balance. “The big question in personal development is this: What is the key, if there were to be only one, that allows us to live our life to the fullest? Self-love has been the common response to almost every interview I have conducted with therapists. According to them, existential disharmony arises from a rejection of oneself “, explains Nathalie Lefève, antenna director of Radio Médecine Douce, author of It’s decided, I’m getting married (Larousse).
“I had never felt so good in my head”
Anne, 31, got into a relationship in high school. 10 years later, the rupture is consumed. “It was very hard at first, but then I realized that a lot of things were wrong with my life, because I actually didn’t know myself,” she says. Once the bulk of the sadness has passed, the young woman, too stressed by her work (marketing director), decides to change employers. She goes from a multinational to an SME, resumes driving (her ex-boyfriend took over the wheel), invests in yoga classes and practices meditation. Finally, Anna makes new friends. “I saw girlfriends who didn’t suit me anymore. In fact, I was not good with them, and I over-invested my relationship. Now, I know that my next relationship will be built on solid foundations,” said -she, serene.
When we know that stress at work is the cause of multiple ailments (anxiety disorders, burn-out, depression, cerebrovascular accident, infractus), that sociability protects against neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s), and that yoga and meditation increase life expectancy, we can only agree with it. So much so that Anne, newly installed in a serious story for three months, has trouble getting used to it again.
“I’m really in a paradoxical state, because it wasn’t that long ago that finding love was my priority. From the moment I let go of it, I met Benoit, and I I find it hard to make concessions. In terms of health, for example, there are evenings when I prefer to sleep alone, because I have never slept as well as during my celibacy, “says the young woman. She concludes, smiling: “finally, in the end, I had never felt so good in my head and in my body. So inevitably, I took a liking to it. The periods of life when you are alone in front of you to oneself are very rare, you have to take the opportunity to do something positive “. Good to hear, hello!