August 23, 2016.
In these hot weather, it cannot be overstated how important it is to drink water, water, especially water, and not just soda, wine or other spirits.
Children’s bodies contain up to 80% water
First, we must always keep in mind that our body is largely made up of water. If, as an adult, water can represent “only” 50 to 65% of the mass of our body, the volume of water present in the body of children can reach almost 80%! This is why children are the first to suffer from dehydration and they have to drink a lot, having fewer reserves, proportionally speaking!
It is water, present in all bodily fluids, which ensures the transport of nutrients from our muscles, fuel, oxygen, but also waste. But it is also water that is at the heart of digestion, helping to dissolve food, to make nutrients consumed or stored by the body.
As a result, to keep all these circuits in balance, you have to drink well, throughout the day, and therefore drink water. But do not forget, however, that water is present in the food we eat.
Two liters of water per person per day
The instruction which consists in saying that we must drink at least 2 liters of water per day is correct, but we must subtract from these two liters those that we ingest by eating fruit, by drinking milk for breakfast, in short, by eating and drinking normally. It is possible to drink too much water, but it is especially the reverse, the deficit in water consumption, which worries nutritionists and doctors, and not the other way around …
Read also: The water that must be drunk