Sore feet ? Like every year, the French Union for Foot Health (UFSP) organizes the National Day for Foot Health. A day of screening and prevention entirely dedicated to the foot. Take advantage of this event to show your feet to chiropodists. About a hundred public places and 150 sites set up in schools are participating in this operation by offering free consultations.
Too neglected feet
Nearly 7 in 10 French people suffer from sore feet. One thing is certain, they are much less likely to go to a podiatrist.
Since we tend to neglect our feet, this free screening is the ideal opportunity to identify and overcome certain diseases such as callus, horn, athlete’s foot, plantar wart or even the nail. embodied. Screening that allows early treatment.
Podiatrist: women more exposed to pathologies
Women have more than reasons to go see a podiatrist. Because of the wearing of shoes with high heels or too tight, they are more likely to catch certain pathologies of the foot.
In addition, podiatrists can therefore give advice to protect your feet and answer all the questions that you may ask yourself on a daily basis such as “how to stop sweating on your feet”, “how to avoid getting plantar warts. at the pool “,” what shoes to wear “, etc.
Today, only high-risk diabetics or patients awaiting plantar orthotics – and on medical prescription – benefit from full or partial coverage of the visit to a podiatrist.
Do you want to know the nearest podiatrist participating in the screening operation? The list of free consultation sites is available on the website of theUFSP.
>> To read also: Sore feet: how to relieve it
>> To read also: Podiatrist: 4 good reasons to consult him
>> To read also: Reflexology: what if health came from our feet