What if you too quit smoking in 2022?
Each year in France, tobacco is responsible for more than 75,000 deaths. In France, the tobacco consumption decreasesexcluding 65-75 year olds whose prevalence stagnates around 10%, indicates an epidemiological bulletin from Public Health France dated May 31, 2022, World No Tobacco Day.
And if the prevalence may seem low, it is at this age that the consequences of smoking are felt: 70% of deaths attributable to smoking occur in people over 60 years of age. And at age 70, 81% of men and 87% of non-smoking women are still alive, compared to 55% of smoking men and 68% of smoking women.
Beyond premature mortality, smoking can lead (among other things) to a risk of heart failure, serious illnesses such as cancer (lung, bladder, mouth, throat, etc.) and decline in cognitive functionsassociated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Benefits after 20 minutes of stopping
A good reason to quit smoking. According to a study by theAmerican Cancer Society, smokers who stop smoking before the age of 35 completely cancel the risk of early death. Those stopping between 45 and 64 still manage to reduce the risk by 66%. So it’s never too late to stop.
Especially since many benefits come very quickly after the last cigarette. From 20 minutes after having crushed it, the first improvements are already felt without you even feeling it. Slow heart rate, better lung function… We take stock of what comes back and when once you quit smoking.
Tuesday 1er November 2022, Public Health France and the Ministry of Health, in partnership with Assurance Maladie, are launching the 7th edition of tobacco-free month.
This operation invites smokers to engage together in a process smoking cessation for a month and already has more than 100,000 subscribers as of October 28, 2022. Many tools are available, in particular on the dedicated website and on the Tobacco info service application.