A free skills assessment allows you to discover your professional development possibilities, prepare your career decisions and take charge of your direction. You benefit from the support of a coach or a professional advisor who will guide and support your approach.
A skills assessment allows you to take stock of your professional life andanalyze your skills and motivations. It is also useful to add a personality test to study the activity that would suit you best as part of a career change.
How to carry out a free skills assessment?
The main characteristics of the skills assessment come from a synthesis of known procedures which combine both a psychological analysis know-how and a dimension of active pedagogy allowing the person concerned to appropriate the knowledge concerning them.
In a skills assessment, you will find both:
— Announcement —
- a listen personalized,
- a time of definition of the request and needs,
- an analysis of your personal skills and professional,
- A action plan to achieve the objectives defined during the assessment.
In general, a skills assessment is carried out by a specialized organization and approved by theANFH. Following his own initiative or that of his company. Indeed, it is essential to evaluate its assets and his character strengths before making a career change. And this, with the aim of better preparing for your career orientation test.
Orientation tests are generally requested by an employee as part of a professional retraining. But there are websites that allow you to carry out assessments for free.
This is particularly the case of:
What is a skills assessment?
A skills assessment allows you to take stock of your personal and professional life. This allows an employee to take stock of their skills. But also their skills and professional motivations in order to define a professional project. It is composed of 3 phases:
- a preliminary phase,
- an investigation phase,
- a conclusion phase.
You are accompanied by an expert consultant who will draw up a list of your skills acquired during your professional career. It also evaluates your skills and your weak points. Depending on your profile, he is responsible for offering you a training project, which is part of professional development or professional retraining.
Once the skills assessment is completed, the consultant will give you a summary document which will summarize the sessions carried out.
Note that a skills assessment generally has a duration of 24 hoursspread over several sessions of 2 to 3 hours. You must complete it in an approved training organization.
Paid skills assessments carried out in specialized centers can be financed by your CPF personal training account. Namely, a free online skills assessment can be an attractive title but asks you behind your CPF rights.
Who can benefit from a free skills assessment?
You can benefit from a free skills assessment if you are:
- Employee in the private sector, public service, on an indefinite or fixed-term contract during or outside working hours.
- Public sector employees (civil servants, non-permanent agents, etc.): specific texts but under conditions similar to employees (24-hour leave, etc.).
- Job seeker: the request must be made to Pôle emploi, APEC or Cap emploi.
Employee on permanent contract: he must have 5 years of paid employment. Consecutive or not, including 12 months in the company. A period of 5 years after a skills assessment leave must be respected. The request is then made to a OPACIF.
Fixed-term employee: he must have 24 months of activity within a company. And have employee status over the last 5 years. Including 4 months, consecutive or not, under a fixed-term employment contract, during the last 12 calendar months.