Dear Susan,
I am almost 60 years old and I had colon cancer in 2011 from which I was cured. I take a number of nutritional supplements and more and more are added unnoticed. I wonder if I need all of these and if they combine well with each other:
– Vitamin C (1000 mg) twice a day
– vitamin B12 (recently every other day instead of daily vitamin D)
– Vitamin E-400 once a day
– Turmeric with black pepper once a day
– Spirulina once a day (5 pieces on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating)
I also took krill oil, but I stopped.
Am I swallowing too much? Are there any supplements that do not combine well?
Suzan Tuinier, nutritionist
Thanks for asking your question.
I am assuming that you have not had surgery and that your bowels are functioning normally.
Healthy food with sufficient fiber, vitamins and minerals is the most important basis. Taking a supplement is possible, but is in principle not necessary. The only exception is vitamin D, of which you need an extra 10 mcg daily in the form of a supplement.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Suzan Tuinier is a nutritionist with years of experience in nutrition education. She knows a lot about vitamins and minerals, nutrition and dietetics. She is founder of Nutri Media. In addition, her mother’s heart beats faster when it comes to infant nutrition.