At the start of the year and after a (very) long tough month of January for morale, the body is often flat: fatigue, colds, winter blues. When the body is exhausted, the nervous system is very stressed: you feel many muscular and nervous tensions which increase fatigue. Through the combination of breath work and stretching, a good stretching session relieves tension, reduces stress and regains vitality.
It also has many benefits: in addition to relieving tension, it can improve your sports performance, in particular because stretching helps irrigate your muscles and supply them with oxygen. They therefore regenerate more quickly. It also allows you to refine your silhouette and tone your body effortlessly.
What advice for a relaxation session?
- Start by stretching gently to promote muscle relaxation;
- Make sure you are in a place conducive to calm and relaxation, in a sufficiently heated room or covered enough to encourage muscle relaxation;
- Breathe deeply for five breath cycles. Inhale through your nose, take the posture indicated. Exhale through your mouth when stretching;
- Never force. Never stretch a muscle to pain;
- Drink. A well hydrated body is a more flexible body.
How often to stretch? To make the most of the benefits of stretching, it is advisable to integrate it directly into your sports routine with stretching sessions of 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a week or to do one or two full sessions of 45 minutes.
Thanks to Élodie Sillaro, sports and well-being coach @elodiesillaro