Getting enough fluids during a heat wave is important
Good question! In this section Plus goes in search of answers to nagging questions. This time: how do I drink enough in hot weather?
It will be warm in the coming days. A heat wave is even expected. Now it is always important to drink plenty of fluids, but especially during hot weather. But how much is enough? And does age matter too?
At high temperatures, you sweat more than usual. To avoid dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. At normal temperatures, the general advice for adults and children from the age of 14 is to drink between one and a half and two liters per day. Children from 1 year to 13 years need approximately between one and one and a half liters of water. In warm weather, the Nutrition Center advises to drink at least two liters of water a day and to take a glass of water every hour. Are you going? Always carry a bottle of water with you. Drink even if you are not thirsty yet!
Is your urine dark in color or do you go to the toilet much less than usual? Then you may have had too little to drink. There is a chance that you will become dehydrated. This can make you feel light-headed and faint.
It is especially important for older people to drink well. The elderly are less thirsty and the kidneys work less well. In addition, the elderly sweat less, the skin becomes thinner and the heart and lungs have less to do. All reasons why your body can’t handle heat well. So drink at set times – for example, set an alarm every hour – so that you really don’t forget.
Need extra salt?
It is often thought that it is necessary to eat extra salt during hot weather, but that is a myth and therefore not necessary! When you sweat a lot and for a long time, you lose more salt, but if you continue to eat normally, that loss is automatically replenished.
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