Tea is one of the drinks the most popular in the world, recognized for its diversity of flavors, its benefits for health, and its ability to soothe the mind. However, it is important to ask whether there is a limit not to exceed when it comes to tea consumption. Our expert Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad answers us.
What are the effects of tea on the body?
“THE antioxidants present in tea play an essential role in preventing cardiovascular illnesses by improving blood circulation, promoting the flexibility of the arteries, and limiting the oxidation of cholesterol at the level of the vessels and arteries. The nutritionist specifies that these antioxidants are also associated with less age-related deterioration of cognitive functions. Furthermore, she states that: “Drinking tea allows us to maintain a good hydrationwhich is essential for balancing the water level in our body, given that our body is made up of more than 50% water.
Is it good to drink tea every day?
“Yes, daily consumption of tea is beneficial for health because it contains catechinsantioxidants from the family of flavonoids which help fight against free radicals. They play an essential role in preventing cellular aging premature and many diseases“, explains the nutritionist.
Are there any risks associated with excessive tea consumption?
Our expert draws our attention to the presence of theine in tea, a molecule similar to caffeine, recognized for its potential psychostimulant. She explains that: “Theine may have positive effects on alertness, attention, reduction of fatigue and the improvement of cognitive functionsnotably the memory.” However, she warns against excessive tea consumption, especially in sensitive people, those with heart problems, anemia, or irritable bowel. This precaution is explained by the fact that tea can hinder the absorption of iron and possibly cause stomach aches. Therefore, she recommends listening to your own body and, in case of sensitivity, preferring alternatives to hot drinks without theine, such as rooibos, in order to avoid these possible inconveniences.
How much tea is recommended daily?
“The amount depends on the type of tea that you consume and your personal sensitivity. In general, the consumption of two cups of tea a day allows you to benefit from its advantages without disadvantages”, advises our expert Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad.
What is the best tea for health?
The nutritionist advises to favor loose leaf tea compared to powdered tea and ideally opt for a tea from organic farming to avoid any contamination by pesticides or fungicides. She concludes by emphasizing that green tea is particularly recommended, because it contains epigallocatechin gallate, a antioxidant powerful which makes it an exceptional choice for health.
In summary, daily tea consumption presents many health benefits, such as a heart health optimal, slowing down the cellular aging process and improving cognitive functions. However, it is crucial to choose tea varieties that meet your individual needs and to carefully monitor your theine intake if you are sensitive to the substance.