Nutritionists keep telling us: a good breakfast should consist of a drink, a grain product, a dairy product, and a fruit. But many people skip this first meal of the day, for lack of time or lack of appetite. A bad habit that could be fatal for our heart, according to a new study published in the journal of the American Heart Federation.
For this study, researchers from the Nutrition Department of Harvard University (USA) followed a cohort of 27,000 men aged 45 to 82 for 16 years. During these sixteen years, 1527 cardiovascular accidents were recorded (some fatal, others not), including a 27% higher number of heart attacks in men who did not take breakfast.
But according to the researchers, men, often active, who do not take no breakfast often have other habits that can affect their heart health: “the typical profile is a man who smokes, drinks alcohol regularly, has long working days and is single” explain the researchers.
Previous research has already shown that skipping breakfast increases the risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, three major risks of developing cardiovascular disease. According to researchers at Harvard University, the link between heart attack and breakfast comes from the fact that men compensate for this lack of morning meal by swallowing more calories during other meals. The vast majority of them also have the habit of snacking late at night, which increases the risk of heart attack by 55%. “But before this study, none of the men we followed would have thought to make a link between breakfast and the development of cardiovascular disease” insist the researchers.
Do you also have the annoying habit of being satisfied with a coffee in the morning? What if you take advantage of the summer to adopt new eating habits? here is healthy summer breakfast recipe !