Watch the video of our coach Loreleï to achieve these four exercises targeting your glutesin your living room.
To start, do thebridge exercise, which will allow you to work the gluteus maximus, the rounded part. Lying on your back on your sofa, arms along your body and feet hip-width apart, raise your buttocks by contracting them. Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down. For the variation, you can also reproduce this same exercise on one leg.
Another exercise lying on the side this time will allow you to work your gluteus medius. In profile, place your head on your arm and keep your feet together. Open your knee in the air, in order to form a kind of diamond with your legs. If you have one at home, you can add a rubber band, to create a bit more resistance. Remember to repeat on the other side.
You can repeat the circuit several times. Thanks to this video, your rebounded buttock goal can only be successful!
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- Gym at home: how to build thighs and buttocks in 4 simple exercises to do from the sofa
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