September 2, 2016.
If you are of the O – blood group, you already know that you are a universal donor. That is to say that all other blood groups accept a donation of group O – blood. On the other hand, you can only receive blood from donors in the same O group.
Group O: more risk of gastric problems
But what you don’t know is that group O carriers are often hyperactive and angry. It’s really you ? Normal. To this is logically added heartburn, which can trigger ulcers. We also know that carriers of this blood group have more concerns about hyperglycemia than the general population.
Consequently, it is possible that you need to ease off the consumption of coffee or alcohol, and have to watch your diet to drive out excess sugars and fats.
Less pancreatic cancer in group O carriers
Rest assured: apart from these predispositions to gastric problems and diabetes, carriers of blood group O are deemed to be protected by the very structure of their blood count from pancreatic cancer, which is fatal in 80% of cases at five years.
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