May 21, 2012 – Doctor nutritionist Pierre Dukan, who became famous thanks to the controversial Dukan diet, has been removed from the Order of Physicians (CNOM). He himself asked for his delisting on April 19 following two disciplinary proceedings against him.
His name is world famous. Dr. Dukan has published twenty books, sold over 2.5 million copies, and distributed in more than 20 countries. On its website, it provides personalized advice to nearly 30,000 members and dozens of products bearing the “Dukan Method” mark appear on the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies. Derived from high protein diets, its method is nevertheless debated. According to some doctors, it could have harmful consequences on the individual, both physically and psychologically.
A controversial proposal
But it is not for his diet that Dr. Dukan has drawn the wrath of the medical order. Last January, he proposed to establish an “anti-obesity” option at the baccalaureate, allowing students to earn more points, by managing to maintain or reach an optimal weight between the beginning and the end of the bac. This proposal by nutritionist Hélène Baribeau was deemed scandalous by the National Council of the Order of Physicians, which then decided to file a complaint against him. He would have violated the code of ethics which indicates that “a doctor must be careful of the repercussions of his remarks on the public”. The Order then initiated a second procedure considering that he practiced medicine like a business, which is contrary to the code of ethics.
This delisting does not cancel the proceedings because they were initiated while he was still listed and relates to facts prior to his delisting. Retired since 2007, Doctor Dukan still regularly intervenes in the media and has definitely caused a lot of ink to flow.
Martin Lacroix- PasseportSanté.net