It is the end of a ritual to which many parents have submitted themselves: until today, to enroll your child in a sports course (riding, dancing, football, etc.), you had to provide a medical certificate. of “no contraindication to the practice”.
Issued by the attending physician or by the pediatrician, this sesame document (also compulsory to obtain or renew a license, or to register for a sports competition) was above all necessary for questions of insurance.
It is now over: a decree published in Official Journal this Saturday, May 8, 2021 has put an end to the “certificate of no contraindication to the practice”, except to enroll his child in certain specific sports – including combat sports, mountaineering, rugby and parachuting.
A health questionnaire to be completed by parents
Instead, parents will be asked to complete a health questionnaire. And in case of negative answer to some questions, “the persons exercising parental authority over the minor athlete [seront] required to produce a medical certificate attesting to the absence of contraindications to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned, dated less than six months“says the decree.
Motivated by a willacceleration and simplification of public action“, this decree nevertheless makes one cringe: “there, really, we are endangering the health of our children“says Dr. Véronique Lebar, sports doctor and president of the Ethics and Sport Committee association, interviewed by our colleagues from France Info.
“We sometimes know that visits [chez le médecin pour faire un certificat de non contre-indication] are done in a hurry. But when you go to see a doctor (…), [celui-ci] is obliged to examine the child (…) and do a full examination. At the same time, he sees the child’s vaccinations. It is very clear that children from disadvantaged families will do a certificate without going to see the doctor. [pour] save 25 euros.“
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