If you no longer eat butter on your bread, which I believe contains vitamins E and D, is olive oil a good alternative for baking? Are these vitamins in there?
A question from Didi
Susan Gardener, nutritionist:
Butter naturally contains a small amount of vitamin D and vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in various foods, such as: grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. Vitamin D is rarely found in food. That is why it is added to low-fat margarine, margarine and baking and roasting products in the Netherlands.
Olive oil does not contain vitamin D and a minimal amount of vitamin E. Although olive oil is rich in good fats, it may be better for the vitamin D intake to choose baking and roasting products. Vitamin D has been added to these products.
Incidentally, many people, women over 50 for example, need extra vitamin D. It is not possible to get the required amount from food.
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